Chapter 8 - Jump program

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(*2nd person P.O.V*)

(Y/h/c)= Your hair color)

After the dojo training was finished, the world changed to the 'jump program'. You found yourself on top of a tall building. You looked around and then your gaze fell on yourself. You were wearing the clothes you wore when you were freed. Your skin was portless and you felt your hair to find it like it used to be. "So I need to jump to the other side? How is that even possible?" I presumed with the program being called 'jump program'.

Without another word Morpheus backed a little and ran before he leaped off of the tall building. You watched in horror fearing that he'd fall. Instead he landed swiftly on the other side and called out to you. "Jump over here!" You backed against the wall, your heart hammering in your chest. This was madness.. Then you started running. "I WILL MAKE IT!" You jumped off the ledge. 

Soon you started to fall down. You closed your eyes and felt the same connection with your surroundings. "Come on, come on.." You mumbled in hopes of making it up there. Soon you felt something hard under your feet and you opened your eyes. You were standing right in front of Morpheus. "I kinda made it.." You chuckled. "Without your special powers you would have fallen."

(*Smith's POV*)

I was walking back to my office when I saw someone carrying stuff to a desk close to mine. Presumably a she, based on the visible physique. "Unexpected.." I mumbled to myself, arriving to my desk and immediately starting to read through a file. She walked to my table with a playful smirk. "Ah, Smithie, It's been quite a long time!" The woman sat on the corner of my desk. Only one person used that nickname. I knew who it was even without lifting my gaze. "It truly has, Agent Bennington." "Smithie.. Call me Ben. I insist." I finally looked up from the file I was reading. She looked just like when we first met.

It was a hard mission that included catching a rogue program. I was with Agent Brown and Jones, we lost him at the last moment. Agent Bennington had a mission near by and she managed to catch the program. I still remember clearly when I walked out, how I was surprised to see a female agent. "Looking for this?" She asked with little sass in her voice. She had removed her sunglasses and from behind them had peaked a beautiful pair of blue-green eyes. Her raven black hair was on a neat ponytail. She had seemed like a nice person to work with but sadly she had been a lower level agent. That had seemingly changed now.

"So you'll be working with us?" "It looks like that.. Haven't seen Brownie and Jonesy in a while, so it's kinda nice to see them as well." I sighed lightly. "Do you already know what's our mission right now?" I asked her, my gaze remaining on her. "Catching that one guy... Morpheus?" She looked back at me. "Mhm.. You should get to that too." Bennington smirked a little. "Yeah, yeah.. I just wanted to say hi to an old friend." With swift movement she dropped down from the desk, her heels hitting the stone floor. She walked to her desk and I continued to read through my file.

It took me a while to get through the files at my desk, but as soon as I was done, I left to go grab a coffee. I had disliked it, thinking it bitter and disgusting, but it was slowly growing on me. It also reminded me of someone... I still wondered how she was, but I knew she was better off without me. I arrived in front of a cafe. I had been there before a few times. When I was about to go in, I saw a familiar looking (Y/h/c) haired girl walking with a black haired man. They both looked very, VERY familiar. I started following them. "It's good to have a break from reality some times." The black haired man stated. Wait a minute!? That is Mr. Anderson! But could it be? No.. It couldn't- "Mhm.. It's a little rough getting used to all this." The (Y/h/c) haired woman said. "I fully get it (Y/n).. I'm quite new as well. It takes some time but you'll get your life under control soon." It was (Y/n).. Why was she with Mr. Anderson? What were they doing? Was this a date!? 

Anger started to build up inside me. When suddenly (Y/n) twirled around and held a gun against my forehead.


(A quick thank you to @Grindewaldsparrow for making Bennington :D)

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