Chapter 10 - Kidnapped

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(Why does the way Smith puts on his glasses in this gif remind me of the way the guys in men in black put on their sunglasses?)

(*2nd person POV*)

You opened your eyes slowly, your head hurt immensely. You looked around for clues on your location. The view out the window suggested you were high up, perhaps in a skyscraper. You could see the clouds in the horizon. You tried to rub your eyes but found your hands cuffed behind you. "What.." You mumbled trying to remember what happened. You were threatening Smith then someone attacked you from behind.

You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of the door clicking closed. You sat up straight on the hard chair. It was Agent Smith. He seemed to be alone. He grabbed a chair from nearby and pulled it along in front of you, then sat down on it. "So what do you need from me exactly?" You asked knowing if they didn't need you, you wouldn't be having this conversation. "We are still in need of your help. Now more than ever.. It seems that you are a part of Morpheus's crew and you might have some inside knowledge." 

You went silent and went through everything in your head. You knew that you had heard some important stuff, like that you and Neo would have been taken to that Oracle person on Sunday. "What day of the week is it?" Smith went silent for a moment probably judging your question. "Friday.. What exactly do you need that for?" "Eh, just wanted to know how long I've been out.." So it would in two days.. But you wouldn't go, because you got yourself kidnapped while protecting Neo. "So we have couple of options, Miss (Y/l/n)." He looked at you intensely. "Either you help us willingly or we fish out the information ourselves." The way Smith spoke caused goosebumps to rise on your skin.

Smith sat up straight. "How can you trust my word?" You asked looking at him skeptically after an especially long beat of silence. "We can't, but we have a lie detector. I won't go on to explain how the detector works, but when you're telling the truth the machine shows a green light and when you lie it shows a red light. Your tries at lying will be caught." You thought about your options. You could wait and hope that the team comes to save you or you could tell everything and either be freed or killed. "I'm not talking, Smith." You informed with finality. Smith lowered his head slightly and his expression looked nearly pitiful. It chilled you to your core and made you extremely uneasy.

Unexpectedly the door opened. You turned to look and saw three agents. Agent Brown, Jones and one you hadn't met before. She was clearly an agent as well. You didn't know that female agents even existed. "She said no." Smith stated in his calm, syrupy voice. The woman sighed. "You shouldn't do that to yourself." The woman said looking at you. Agent Jones retrieved a syringe. He flicked the syringe to expel any air bubbles. Slowly he walked to your side and injected you with the serum. Immediately your body felt like it was burning, yet your brain felt fuzzy. You couldn't describe the pain you were feeling. You couldn't slip anything. You couldn't let down your crew. You gasped in pain, tears threatening to spill as the molten magma raced through you veins burning you alive. 

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