Chapter 12 - "What is this?"

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It had been 4 days since Smith had visited you and he had not visited since.. You weren't lonely though. Either Agent Jones or Brown came daily. They always came to ask you if you had changed your mind and you always said no so the visit always ended with you getting injected with the serum. Then one day Agent Brown and Jones both came in. "It's still no guys." You knew your body couldn't last forever and it was on the brink of breaking but you couldn't give up now.. Agent Brown walked behind you without a word and removed you hand cuffs. You stayed quiet. "What is this?" "You try to escape, you get tazed and brought here and the handcuffs go back on.. Got it?" Jones' expression was stern.

You nodded slowly but didn't understand. "What mind games are you playing?" You asked looking at Agent Jones and then at Agent Brown. "The informant has told us everything. We no longer need you. For now you get to remain here." Who was this 'Informant'? "Your free to walk around for now but don't disturb anyone." 

What was their goal? That was truly your biggest question but you decided to not focus on that. You needed to find Smith and thank him, because knowing agent's he must have had a hand in this. You walked out into the hallway and located an elevator. There was a list off all the floors. You pushed the 'office' button. The elevator rose a level. Slowly the doors opened and you saw multiple doors. You walked past them and tried to recognize Smith's. "It must be that one." You walked to one of the doors with a nameplate reading "Smith" on it. You knocked but got no answered. You opened the door to find a nice clean office with a large window. You decided to wait for him.

Around fifteen minutes went by and Smith opened the door. He noticed you and stopped in his tracks. He looked at you and you looked at him. Soon enough he walked to his desk before he sat down. He took a file off of the table and started reading it. You stood there awkwardly before you cleared your throat. "Do you have a moment?" Smith focused on the file but tore his gaze from it to look at you for a moment. He looked more stiff than usual. "Sure." 

He set down the file and turned to look at you. "I presume you are the one who managed to make me be spared for now." He released a quick breath of relief. "You could say that."  Smith answered. "Well thank you. I also have a question." You noticed how Smith tensed slightly. "Yes?" He asked. "When you were there with me you muttered something. What was it?" He looked out threw a window. Probably wishing that you didn't ask.

"Nothing of importance." He answered, nonchalantly. "What does it matter to you what I think?" You asked. He remained silent and kept his gaze away. "Smith, please." You begged moving closer, practically in front of him now. He looked at you. "Miss (Y/l/n).." He spoke in a warning tone. "I'll leave you alone just please, tell me why it matters to you on such a deep le-" Before you could finish, Smith cut you off. "Because you are different."

(*3rd person POV*)

The team of Nebuchadnezzar had had a hard time. Cypher had betrayed them and killed Switch, Apoc, Mouse, Dozer and damaged Tank badly. On the other hand Cypher had been killed as well. After the burial of the dead team members it was time to get one back. Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and Tank were all seated by a table. "No one knows what those sick programs have done to her.. What if she has been tortured to dead or something." Neo huffed. "We know nothing.. We need to have a proper plan instead of just going on a murder spree to get (Y/n) back." Morpheus said looking at each member. Tank had a huge band-aid on his shoulder. "Do you have a better plan?" Trinity asked looking at Morpheus with crossed arms. "Trin.. That's loco. Even if you got there, those are agents holding her three of them. How could you ever make it?" Tank looked at Trinity with disbelief. "Well have to just try."

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