Chapter 14 - Should I share that

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You left so Smith could continue his work. While walking out you realized something. Where would you sleep? You guessed it was the same room you had been held in before but you decided to ask. You hummed quietly while walking past the doors. Then you stopped behind the door saying 'Agent Brown'. You knocked on the door. Then you waited. Soon you heard foot steps and the door opened. Agent Brown peeked from behind the door. "So. Where do I sleep?" Agent Brown just kinda froze. He stared at you. "You should stay in that same room.." Brown answered just like you guessed. "There is no bed tho." "So?" You sighed. "Alright.." You walked away leaving Agent Brown to continue his work. 

You walked to the room you had started off in. You sighed sitting on the chair. You didn't have anything to do. Should you start making an escape plan? Maybe yes, maybe no. You were truly in love with Smith but.. considering you were held here against your will it wasn't that nice.. You sighed. Maybe you could find a book somewhere or something. You walked out and almost bumped on a person. "AAH. S..Sorry.." You mumbled. "Oh. It's you (Y/n)." Someone who knew your name. You expected it to be Smith but when you looked at his face.

It was Neo in a pair of sunglasses, an earpiece and a suit. "Uhh.. Neo?" You looked at him confused. "I've come in to save you. We need to go NOW." Neo whispered and took your hand. You didn't move. "(Y/n).. Come on." Neo begged quietly. To be real you didn't want to go.. "I.. I can't go." "What?!" Neo whispered. "I can't go yet. I might learn something that we can use against the machines." Neo looked at you skeptically. "Have you been brain washed or something? You are walking around freely without agents by your side." "It's weird.. I understood that it was part of some sort of a plan." "That means we need to get you out before they do something to you.." You heard footsteps, coming to you. "You can make it faster alone. Come back another day.." Neo looked at you with guilt. This situation was far too familiar. He quickly left threw some sort of a vent and you were left alone looking after him. Were you going to regret doing that? Maybe. "Ah! (Y/n)! Didn't expect seeing ya." That was yet another familiar voice. 

Agent Bennington walked to your side. "What are you looking at?" She questioned looking at the direction you were looking at. "U..uhh nothing. I was just drowning in thought." She looked at you with a judgy look. "If you say so." "So did you have something to tell me or?" "Oh nothing special.. Just wanted to hear about you and Smithy." You felt yourself go full on red. "W..what about me and him?" "Don't act coy! I know you and him must have some chemistry. I see how he looks at you." She smirked, but his smirk fell and reminded you of a look that could have killed you then and there. "But if you hurt Smith in ANY way, I swear I will track you down and you won't be safe even outside of the Matrix." "Uhh..O-of course!" You answered quickly rubbing the back of your neck. Her smirk returned and you continued. "There isn't chemistry between us.." You said looking away. "Come on.. Just tell me.. I wont share it. Please." She pleaded. You sighed. "Alright, alright. He is pretty good looking not gonna lie." You didn't want to start listing how you could look into his ice blue eyes for hours.. Listen to him talk for days and just literally stick by his side for an eternity. "Mhm.." She smirked at how she had twisted you into talking. "We met when I got a call from this guy, Morpheus. And well.. I got arrested from my work place.." You went on to explain your history with Smith. 

"And then he arrived into his office and I was sitting there. And.." Should you share the story of the kiss? What if Bennington would tell their boss and get Smith deleted? "And?" Bennington asked in the slightest of excitement. "And that's it." Someone finished your sentence. You turned to look and saw Agent Smith with crossed arms. "Oh come on.. (Y/n) was just about to finish the story!" "Well that's too bad. I have.. Things to discuss with her." Smith said on his usual calm voice. "Things eh? I see how it is.. I'll take my cue.." Bennington grinned slightly before walking off. "Everything alright?" Smith asked taking couple steps toward you. "Mhm.." You nodded. "Just had a little talk with Agent Bennington." "Alright.. So I'm guessing you have no place to sleep." "I understood that I'd sleep in that room." You pointed your right thumb behind you to show which room you meant. "Isn't that kinda.. Uncomfortable?" "Prisoner, remember?" You chuckled at your own comment. Smith frowned slightly. 

"There is no bed in there.. What if you were to sleep in my room?" Your face had returned to normal color, but his suggestion made it turn even redder than it was when you talked with Bennington. "Do you have like two beds or?" "One king sized bed.. Every agent has one." Smith leaned slightly against the wall on your right. "I'm guessing it's the apartments floor." "Indeed. Do you want to go look up there?" "Well I have nothing better to do and it's slowly becoming evening so why not."

The two of you walked in an elevator. You had no clue why it felt so intimate being in the same elevator with him. Smith clicked the 'Apartments'. Slowly the elevator started rising. You sighed quietly at the slow speed. You swore if you were this close to Smith for too long you'd start kissing him and that would probably be awkward. Soon there was a ding and the elevator froze. You and Smith walked out. Smith took a small key card from his pocket and scanned it. He opened the door to reveal an apartment. It looked very modern. There was a small black and white kitchen in the corner. One door to a bathroom close to the kitchen. A table with four chairs. A huge window showing a beautiful view of the city. A small couch, a tv and a king sized bed with dark blue covers. "Didn't know that Agents were this.. fancy." Smith shrugged.

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