Chapter 17 - A lovely evening

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(Before this chapter, quick shoutout to @SincerelyTreebros on her matrix fanfic trilogy, Neo and Trinity's daughter. They are great books and i recommend that u guys check them out! Also I just realized.. That when Smith and Neo are fighting and Smith says "Your empty." and Neo answers "So are you." Neo literally means that Smith is empty inside. Like he is just a emotionless program.. NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT THAT WAY BEFORE! Alright now the new chapter.)

(Y/f/a)=Your favorite animal)

After you finished eating, you realized you hadn't bought a pj so you quickly went to buy couple of those. A(n) (Y/f/a)-onesie and a tunic. After that you went to a near by bathroom to change to some of your other new clothes. You settled on your new (Y/f/c) dress which fit you perfectly. You liked it cause it had some simple pattern but it wasn't too flashy. You came out from the bathroom. Smith lowered his sunglasses as he checked you from head to toe. You smirked at him. "Ready to go?" You asked looking into his beautiful blue eyes that had been revealed slightly from behind those mysterious shades.

The two of you made your way into Smith's car and soon you were off to god knows where. You were excited. What had he planned? The car ride once again didn't take too long and the car slowly stopped. You and Smith got out of the black car and you immediately walked to Smith's side and took his hand. His touch was soft and addicting in a way. The two of you started walking forward, down a small path. "Here." Smith smiled slightly. You held in a gasp. It was a beautiful beach. The sun had just set and the sky was filled with stars. The waves hit the huge rocks that framed the sandy beach perfectly. Smith sat down on the sand and patted beside him for you to sit. You took the hint and sat next to him on the warm sand. 

You laid back to look at the stars and Smith did the same. Your hand slithered it's way back in Smith's. "I had really fun today." You smiled admiring the gorgeous stars. "Me too. Thank you for coming with me." "It's truly nothing." You turned to look at Smith and noticed that he was looking at you and not the beautiful lights. "It means a lot to me." He stated, his eyes sparkling from the starlight. "I love you." You whispered. "I love you too." Smith whispered back which made you very happy and sort of relieved. He loved you too. You kissed him softly and he kissed back. You inched closer to him and he felt your back. You felt him. From his neck to his muscular chest. Your hand slipped under his dress shirt. He let out a slightly shaky breath when your hand actually touched his bare chest, but his lips didn't leave yours. 

The two of you made out on the beach for half an hour. Then you had to head back. You looked out threw the window at the passing buildings. The car ride went quietly, but it was a comfortable silence tho you had questions. What would happen when you got back? Would you move to the next step? Would you go to sleep? Would you go to watch that movie that Smith suggested? You were ripped back to the reality by the car stopping. "We're here." Smith informed. "Indeed, Sherlock." Smith had to take a second to register your comment before he smirked. You let out a quiet 'heh' before hopping out of the car. You looked up at the huge skyscraper. The stars reflected on the windows of the tall, intimidating building.

Smith walked to your side. "Let's go." Smith said his voice molding to the more robotic one for the situation. You followed quickly. You got inside and no surprise a security guard stopped you. This time it was a different guard. He looked at you. You just kept quiet and waited for Smith to show the card, but then you realized that the guard was checking you out! You looked at him. Rage bubbled inside of you. You were about to give him a piece of your mind, but you were stopped by a low aggressive growl which sent shivers down your spine. Smith took the guard and lifted him against one of the stone pillars by his neck. "You shouldn't check out young women, especially ones that are of use to us." Smith growled on the shaking security guards face. Some of the guards were about to lift their guns but they were overcome by fear. Agents were scary to them and they were of higher rank. 

"It's alright, Agent." You were frightened and decided not to go closer. It was strange. Just minutes ago you wanted to cuddle with him threw the night and now you wanted to keep your distance. Smith let out a huff and let go of the frightened guard. "I.. I.. I'm sorry, ma'am. It won't happen a-agin!" He stuttered. You nodded without a word. You had no pity for the man. You turned around to keep walking, but you noticed that Smith stayed still. He was still staring at the guard. "Are you coming?" You asked trying to hold in a voice crack. Without a word Smith released the guard from his deadly gaze and walked to you, the light slightly reflecting on his glasses.

He straightened his tie and the two of you walked in the elevator. He pressed the button that led up all the way to the apartments. "I must apologize for my animalistic behavior." Smith apologized his voice back to the even more syrupy, slightly kinder one yet you could still spot little anger in his voice. "It's quite alright." You noticed that you kept distance from him. Why? Because of the fear? It was sad to admit but you were intimidated by him right now. You looked at the elevator floor ashamed. Smith sighed to calm down before he asked. "Is everything alright, Love?" The way he called you 'Love' always warmed your insides but now it just tore you apart more. 

Smith gulped before asking. "D..Did I scare you?" You didn't want to answer. He did. It made you feel even worse. You loved him! You shouldn't be scared of him. You wanted to curl up into a ball and cry your worries away but the elevator dinged as a sign of your arrival on the apartment floor. "Come on." Smith said softly. You noticed the slightest of heartbreak in his voice which made your frown deepen. You followed him to his apartment. You set down your bags near the closet. You grabbed your new onesie and disappeared into the bathroom to change.

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