Chapter 4 - Smith's P.O.V

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(An change to Smith's P.O.V that no one expected *cough cough the title cough* Also I'll inform about changes of the P.O.V in the start of the chapter.)

(Y/n) was a strange person.  She made me feel something. I hadn't gotten her from my mind ever since I had met her. I had tried to focus on work but I felt my mind starting to wonder to her awfully quickly when I did. I sort of didn't even really want to see her, but after hearing that she had gotten more messages from Morpheus I had to go see her. Rather me than anyone else. I would win her over. She would work for the agency and help us catch Morpheus. I would get my freedom.

And now here I was talking with her. Slowly win her over, then reel her in. Suddenly I heard speaking from my earpiece. "Excuse me for a moment." The words slipped out from my mouth. I sighed in frustration as I entered the living room. "Why haven't you arrived here yet? Checking whether Miss (Y/l/n) got the message was supposed to be quick in and out." Jones spoke in a cold and questioning tone. Before I could say anything, Jones continued. "It doesn't matter.  You need to return to the base. We have a lead on Morpheus." 

I rushed back to the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Miss (Y/l/n) but I must go. Thank you very much for the coffee." I thanked, my mind already somewhere else. "It's alright, I hope we'll meet again, Agent." "I hope so too." I strange tingle in my chest. She wanted to see me again? Really? Why? I had caused her pain and yet she'd see me again? It was like I wanted to see her again. This had to be some sort of a flaw in my system. 

The lead turned out to be a dead end and I sat at my desk frustrated beyond words. I thought about the meeting with (Y/n) once again, but I couldn't understand why I was letting myself linger on it. What was so special about her? Her captivating eyes? Facial features? Beautiful hair? Lovely personality? I mulled on thoughts of her for a little longer.

"Tracker 27 on the move." I heard the information echo from my earpiece. I knew right away who it was. But where was she going? I got up from my desk and headed to the lobby. Agent Brown and Jones soon rushed to my side and we walked outside. I sat at the driver's seat ready to drive to the location. Adam street Bridge. 

I parked the car close to the bridge. I saw her. (Y/n). She was going into a black car. I didn't even have time to think. Like an instinct, my gun was drawn from it's holster. Jones and Brown started shooting at the car with me, but it sped off. I dropped my gun on the ground, almost as if it had burnt me. I closed my eyes and took couple of deep breaths. What if one of the bullets had actually hit their mark? It didn't matter. I grit my teeth, battling my own thoughts."Everything alright, Agent?" Agent Brown asked. I nodded slowly and knelt to pick up my gun. "Are you in need of replacement or clearing?" Agent Jones asked. "I am alright." My voice had a slight growl to it and Jones and Brown looked at each other before they started walking back to the car. I followed behind them, contemplating silently.

(Alright guys. That's it. I hope you enjoyed. I hope it wasn't too dumb/cheesy. Tell me what you personally think, would you guys accept more of Smith's P.O.V? Till the next time have a nice day and i hope you comment. I love reading your guys' comments!) 

(New re-done authors note! It was too dumb/cheesy. I wanted to bring more realism into Smith's feelings and motivation. I think he'd be more so like confused at first so yeah.)

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