Chapter 5 - Red or Blue?

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(*2nd person P.O.V*)

 You had no idea what the clock was and you couldn't hold back a yawn. "Tired?" Trinity asked sympathetically. "A little." You were tired and stressed as well as confused. You looked out through the car window. Street lights went by in the blink of an eye along with signs for all sorts of business. What had you gotten yourself into? Soon enough the car started to slow down. You were filled with doubt and a hint of fear. As the car came to a full on stop, Neo, Switch, Apoc and Trinity got out. You followed right after them. "To Morpheus we go." Apoc sighed. 

The five of you walked through big doors inside what looked like an abandoned hotel. You were led into a dark room. In the middle there was a small table along with two leather armchairs. They were red and slightly worn. The doors were closed behind you as you entered and your nerves spiked for a moment. You continued to gaze around the room when you noticed a man. He was standing in front of a large window. At the sound of the large doors closing, he turned around. "At last, Welcome (Y/n). As you have probably guessed, I am Morpheus." "It is a pleasure to meet you." You answered, slightly nervous still. "Please, come. Sit." He gestured at the other chair and you sat down. 

(*time jump*)

"This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.." You looked at the two pills in front of you. You had multiple questions. What would happen if you took the red pill? Who was Smith? What was the Matrix? Why did Morpheus make so many Alice in wonderland references? At the same time you wanted to return to your old life, return home, to Steve, but you also wanted the truth. You decided to go for the truth even if you'd probably regret it in the future. You slowly leaned towards the red pill. "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more..." With an assuring nod that he didn't react to, you took the red pill on your palm.

You took the glass of water from the table. Then you swallowed the small pill with water. With a warm smile Morpheus got up. "Follow me. Right now time is truly priceless." "Indeed." You answered even though you were clueless as to what he meant. You followed Morpheus to a room with all sorts of gadgets and devices. The people who had brought you here were all in this room along a couple of individuals that you didn't recognize. "Apoc, are we online?" "Almost." Apoc answered. "Please, take a seat there." Morpheus said pointing at a chair next to a mirror. You sat down and Neo came to help you. "Thank you." You smiled at him slightly and he nodded at you in response.

"The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signals so we can pinpoint your location." Morpheus looked at you as he spoke. You had NO clue on what that meant. You turned to face the mirror without asking questions. It had been cracked but slowly the cracks fixed back up. You tilted your head at it in interest. Had Morpheus fed you drugs? Were you high right now? You touched the mirror, trying to feel for the cracks but as you did so, it was as if your fingers were pulled in. You pulled your fingers you saw some kind of goo get stuck on it. "What is this?" You questioned looking at the spreading goop. "Part of the process." Trinity answered. " guys see this?" You paled slightly. "Why wouldn't we see it, Smartass?" One of the people you didn't know, a bald man asked with a light chuckle. "I DON'T KNOW?! LOOK, I JUST TOOK A PILL FROM A COMPLETE STRANGER! I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE I WAS HALLUSINATING THIS!" You panicked. You wanted to get it off but it was already covering you. Only your head remained. "HELP MEEEE!!" Everything went black. You had been fully covered by the goo. 

You woke up in a sort of a cocoon. Your limbs felt awfully heavy and you wanted to just go back to sleep, slowly the panic of being in that confined space got to you though. You started to feel the cocoon around you with your hands. You stretched it at the top and got out. You had some sort of a tube in your mouth and you pulled it out. You started couching uncontrollably. You looked at your skin in horror. Tubes were connected to your arms and legs. "What.." You mumbled to yourself. Your voice sounded different than you expected. It sounded hoarse. Like you had not drank water in weeks or months. You looked around and saw millions of cocoons just like yours. 

You didn't have much time to think on everything as suddenly a massive robot appeared in front of you. It stretched out a massive claw that it stretched towards you. It grabbed you by your neck and lifted you from the pod. You tried peel the claw off of your neck. You were no match to the metallic monster. You slowly started to run out of breath and your fighting grew weaker. Suddenly the tubes popped off. You screamed in pain and your eyes watered. The thing in the back of your neck span and then opened. The robot dropped you back in the cocoon and flew away as it started to drain. "HELP ME!" You screamed as you were slowly sucked into the sewer.

You slid down along with the insides of your cocoon. The you fell into water. It was cold and you gasped. You tried to swim up. Your muscles gave up on you almost immediately. You accepted your faith as you sunk. You wouldn't make it. There was no way.  "I'm sorry Steve.." Were your last word before you went fully under.

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