Chapter 15 - Smack talking

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Soon enough it was time to go to bed. "Uhh.. Smith?" "Yes?" "Do you have an extra t-shirt that I could borrow or something.." You asked slightly embarrassed. "I do." He walked to his closet and you walked to him. He opened the doors of the closet smoothly to show a line of matching black suits. There were couple of pj's and some black and white t-shirts at the side. "Do I get to pick one?" "Sure." Smith moved aside. You went threw the t-shirts and then picked a white one. You walked to the bathroom and closed the door. You settled on wearing the t-shirt and your panties. You hoped that when Smith and you had that date you could visit a clothing store or something. You needed more socks and underwear. After you changed you realized something. Seeing how you were going to share a bed with Smith it was nothing, but.. The shirt had his scent. It was sort of charming in a way. It smelt really fresh like grass after rain with the slightest of lavender. You breathed in the calming scent before realising you should probably go, since he was most likely waiting for you.

You walked out wearing the outfit you had picked and held your other clothes close to your chest as you asked. "Is there some sort of a program machine where you can stick your clothes so they automatically turn clean?" Smith chuckled before answering. "It's a regular washing machine." "Alright." You put down your clothes on the small couch. You walked to the bed and sat down. It was surprising to see that for once Smith was wearing something else than his suit. He had on a black t-shirt and a pair of dark pajama pants. Surprisingly no sunglasses either. "I thought you slept in a suit." You chuckled. "No not really.. Atleast I don't. I don't know about the others." Smith admitted. "Well you're the only one of the agents who's dressing matters to me so I'm surprised." Smith smiled at your comment. "So you're fine with me sleeping on the bed? I could take the couch if you want.." You suggested. "It's fine. It won't bother me. If you want I can take the couch." Smith offered in return. "Oh- No.. No need." You smiled.

You slipped under the blanket. The bed was very comfortable and you felt extremely sleepy already. You looked out threw the window. Your thoughts drifting from Neo coming to save you to Smith who was a program who seemingly had feelings for you. And you had for him. You focused on a certain window. Questions flooded into your mind. What did programs dream about? Did they dream? Those were some of the eternal questions you'd probably never get an answer to. Soon enough you couldn't hold your eyes open anymore and you were sleeping peacefully. You had gotten barely any sleep on that chair.

You heard calm breathing, close to yourself. You thought for a moment that the breathing was you but it was in fact Smith. You turned around and opened your eyes to realize that you had inched closer to Smith while sleeping. You turned back to face the window. A flush rushing over your face at the closeness. You really didn't want to move tho. He was warm. You jumped slightly when you felt a hand slip over your hip. (No rhyme intended.) You looked back and noticed that you had woken Smith up with your movement. You leaned your head against him which probably surprised him. You felt him kiss the top of your head and a smile grew on your lips. "Good morning." You whispered. "Good morning." Smith whispered back. 

You were momentarily like that, close. But then Smith had to get up. He had work and everything. You made yourself a cup of coffee. You offered Smith a cup but he said he was too busy. Surprising enough you were left alone in his apartment. 

(*Unexpected POV change to Bennington's POV*) 

I hummed while walking down to my office. I had heard a good rock song on the radio whilst having my morning cup of coffee and I was left wondering what it's name was. "Hi Smithy!" I chirped walking past him. Surprisingly he smiled at me for once and I froze on my tracks. He wasn't annoyed by the nickname?! Odd of him.. I continued walking closer to my office when I noticed Agent Jones. He was talking with another agent. Seemingly Agent Brown. "Smith is clearly slipping for that (Y/n) girl.. And I don't see it as a good thing." Agent Brown said on an almost worried tone. "Indeed.. She shouldn't even be here! She should be dead by now, but Smith has a soft spot for her." "Why are you smack talking Smith? He is a better agent than you, Jones." I snapped at him. He had NO right to speak about Smith like that..

 "None of your business." Agent Jones warned on his cold yet slicing voice. "Oh!? So I should just let you talk crap about my friend? Do you take me for some sort of a fool!?" "Know your place, Bennington!" Agent Jones hissed at me. "We are both the same rank, idiot!" I sassed at him. "What is going on in here?" I heard the familiar voice of Smith from behind and a smirk of getting the last word appeared on my lips. Jones huffed before walking off and Brown walked after him. Smith looked at them go. "What's their problem?" "Nothing that you need to worry about. So.. Do you need something?" I asked turning to look at him. "Nope. Just going to get some papers. Checking all the cases.. So on." "A-ha.. Well I should be on my way. Gotta see what's on my today's to do list." Smith nodded the slightest of a smile peeking threw. "I'll see you around." Smith walked off leaving me to realize how in love he was.

(Ight. I personally LOVE Bennington. And i see her as a total badass so sorry to anyone who hates her/wants less of her and more Agent Smith x reader. But ya. I hope ya'll a nice day) 

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