Chapter 20 - I'm sorry

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(Already here eh? It's been quite a long way hasn't it? This is always the painful part to me and perhaps to you as well.. This is the last chapter. And i have to admit. I might be crying. A little.. And i still love Agent Smith.. And Hugo Weaving- But that's not the point. Quick thank you to everyone, who has taken the time to read this story. I truly appreciate it. Special thanks to @GrindelwaldSparrow for the inspiration and Agent Bennington. Now, let's go.)

(*Smith's POV*)

It took some crying but after about five minutes I finally was able to collect myself back together. I released one more shaky breath and got up. I started searching for the group threw my earpiece and heard strange activity at a certain subway station. "What are you doing?" Bennington asked on a serious tone. "I'm going after them." I stated my voice gone totally emotionless. "Don't do anything you'll regret."

And in a zap I was on the subway station. Trinity was being transported on their ship threw the phone and it was just (Y/n) and Mr. Anderson. I shot at the phone booth. My bullet didn't hit Trinity. She disappeared on time. I approached from the shadows. "Mr. Anderson." The two turned to look at me. I heard a quiet 'Oh no' slip from (Y/n) mouth which stabbed my heart like an ice dagger, but I couldn't give in to my emotions and show my weakness. Not now. 

"Run." Mr. Anderson whispered to (Y/n). She took couple steps back. She looked at me and then Mr. Anderson. She walked to the side and stayed there. I hovered my hand over my gun in a sort of wild west shootout style. Mr. Anderson drew his gun first and I drew mine. I charged at him and kept shooting. He did the same. We laid on the floor guns against each others heads. "You're empty." I stated staring at him intensely. "So are you." I looked at my gun. It wasn't empty. Then the comment hit me. I looked back at him with anger. He did a side flip to get up. I got up and threw my gun to the side and he did the same. I could defeat him without it. I pulled my suit and tilted my head so it made a sort of crack noise. Mr. Anderson approached me and the fight was back on. We exchanged intense punches and couple of kicks now and then. 

Mr. Anderson kicked my face, which caused a huge piece of my sunglasses to chip off. "I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson." I attacked. My anger quickly growing. After multiple punches I was able to knock Mr. Anderson back. He flew close to the chairs and spit blood. "Neo!" (Y/n) looked at him with worry and quilt. He got up and wiped the blood away. Then he signaled for me to attack and with that I charged at him once again. After more violence I was able to throw him against one of the walls. I started punching him as fast as possible. He fell on the floor. Then I heard a train approaching and I got an idea. An evil idea. With a devilish grin I took Mr. Anderson's leg. I started dragging him to the track. "NOOO!" (Y/n) started running to us. I took Mr. Anderson by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall. He fell on the tracks. 

(Y/n) came from behind me and started punching and kicking me furiously. "Don't make me do this, (Y/n)." I warned her. "I WON'T LET YOU KILL NEO!" She yelled her eyes watering violently. I wanted to simply hug her, but I couldn't. I 'pushed' her aside violently. She flew against a wall. I jumped on the tracks. I wrapped my arm around Mr. Anderson's neck. "Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death." I paused quickly before continuing. "Goodbye, Mr. Anderson." (Y/n) started running at us but I knew she wouldn't make it.  "NOOOOOOOOOO!!" (Y/n) screamed in horror. Mr. Anderson tried to move my hand. "My name is Neo." And with that he jumped throwing me and him against the subway stations ceiling. I fell and he back flipped to safety. The train squashed me. 

(*2nd person POV*)

"Neo you're ok!" You hugged him, eyes watering. "This is my fault I'm so sorry.." You were on the brink of sobbing. "It's alright we need to run. Come on!" He grabbed your hand and started running. The train behind you screeched and stopped. Smith walked out unharmed with a new pair of sunglasses and a gun. You and Neo ran. You were out on the street. Neo grabbed someone's phone and started dialing the operator's number. "Mr. Wizard, get us the hell out of here." Neo said into the phone. The Agents were running behind you and they were slowly catching up. You ran threw a market place and got to a small square surrounded by building. There were couple of doors at the side. "Help. Need a little help." Neo said. You continued threw one of the doors, up the stairs and threw another door. There were some grandmas watching tv. You apologized as the two of you ran threw.

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