Chapter 18 - I need help

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(*Smith's POV*)

At the same time I felt sad and angry.. If that man had just done his job this wouldn't have happened. The fact that the love of my life was scared of me, crushed my heart if I even had one. I fully understand that I can be intimidating but.. Her being scared of me? It hurt more than a physical hit. I took one of the bags and set it down on the bed. I sighed and sat on the side of the bed, beside the bag. (Y/n) had already slipped into the bathroom to change and I wondered what I was supposed to do. I took a piece of paper and wrote (Y/n) a small note. I read aloud in my mind. "I'm going to quickly head to the office. I'll be back later. I'll take the couch, so get as comfy in the bed as you'd like. Don't wait for me, with love Agent Smith." I set it down on the table, where (Y/n) would hopefully notice it.

I walked to the elevator and pressed the button to go down to the office. I thought about it. Was I not supposed to protect her? The man was clearly a creep. She looked like she was about to scold him but I couldn't help myself. There was a ding and I was about to walk out still in thought when there was a loud 'HEY' in front of me. I realized that I almost walked into Agent Bennington who was holding a pile of papers. Her black hair was open which was surprising and she blew couple of the long hairs off of her face. "I know.. It was a really bad time to try a new hairstyle but I thought it could look nice.." 

Bennington of course noticed my look of discomfort and went on to ask. "What's bothering you, Smithy? You look like your favorite show was just cancelled." I thought about what to say. "You can share.. You know me." I sighed and started. "Well me and (Y/n) we.. uh-" "IF IT'S THAT KIND OF STUFF THEN NO NEED TO SHARE." "No.. No it's not like THAT.. It's that we went on a date-" "How on earth did you get her out? Didn't Agent's Boring and Plain ruin everything? Did they even find out? Also aww.. I so ship you two!" She 'ships'us? Well that's nice.. I think. "It was easy actually. Just showed my pass to couple of guards and we were out. But I don't know about Brown or Jones." Bennington chuckled at how I knew who the nicknames belonged to.

I continued. "Well we had  fun, won't get into the details. But then we drove here and we came in and there was this one security guard who checked out (Y/n)-" "I'm guessing that's Jack. He usually checks me out too. He's a charmer. Usually I go with it for, you know, a little bit of fun." Bennington smirked at me mischievously and I rolled my eyes. "The point is i scared (Y/n) by protecting her. And that's not really what I was aiming for." "So now you need my advice?" Bennington asked sarcastically. "It's not like I crawled to you on all fours begging for help.. You're the one who asked about my condition." I ranted and she sighed. "Ya, ya.. Alright.. You know I'm not exactly.. A woman like you're not a man. But I might know something. I recommend letting her be on her own for tonight like that she can sleep alone or something like that if she's feeling unsafe because of you it's not really a smart move for you to get close.. You can discuss everything with her tomorrow, like grown adults."

"That.. Is actually a good plan." Bennington held the papers in her armpit and checked her other hands nails. "Of course it is, Smithy. I'm full of good advice! You just never ask." She looked at me with a look full of pride. "I suggest that you watch it with you ego or it might just increase to the size of this skyscraper." I said before slipping past her. "You're welcome!" She called after me but I just chuckled to myself and shook my head.

(*2nd person POV*) (*Right after Smith left*)

You heard the door click. You had just slipped into your (Y/f/a) onesie and you walked out of the bathroom. You noticed a small note on the table and grabbed it. You read threw it and sighed. You felt guilty. Tho it was just your instincts. You really couldn't help it. You sat on the bed and looked at the ceiling. You wondered what he was doing right now. You heard a light knock on the door. "Agent Smith. Are you there?" Shoot it was an agent. You were alone in Smith's apartment in only your onesie.. Not a good plan to just sit around. You stayed as still as possible and tried to make no noise. Then you noticed one of the bags on the bed. It had started to dramatically slip off of the bed. There was a small thump and the bag was on the floor. "Smith? Are you there?" The door started to open and you started to panic.

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