Chapter 9 - Fight

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(*2nd person POV*)

"You did well for the first time." Morpheus smiled looking at you. "Good to know." You answered with a expression, close to a small smile. "You and Neo will be taken to the Oracle in a few days so prepare for that." Morpheus informed. You nodded, even though you didn't know who this so called Oracle was. 

That morning you felt miserable. You had not slept too well and for some reason your thoughts wondered back to your old life. There was something off. Something you were forgetting here. It had been bothering you for some time now. Then you realized it. Steve.. He was all alone! You jolted up and quickly put on something. You ran towards the main deck, when suddenly you bumped into something. You fell on the floor. "(Y/n).. Is everything alright? Why are you in such a hurry." It was the calm voice of Neo. He quickly reached down to offer you his hand. You took it and let him help you up. "I'm sorry.." You mumbled slightly embarrassed. "My dog.. Steve.. I need to see him, I fully forgot about him." You admitted, salty tears welling in your eyes. What if Steve had starved to death? You would never forgive yourself. "I understand. We can go right away."

You couldn't leave immediately though. You needed to be armed. You and Neo entered the loading program where you gathered some weaponry for yourself. Two handguns and a small knife. You stuffed the knife in your pocket. "Ah, I almost forgot.. You should get a new outfit. Here you should try this." Neo handed you some clothes. A long black trench coat, pair of black boots and a pair of sunglasses. Neo continued to arm himself while you changed

(The epic trench coat, though you can imagine another outfit for youself, if you'd like to) 

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(The epic trench coat, though you can imagine another outfit for youself, if you'd like to) 

Neo and you were driving to your house. You soon enough reached your front door and you walked to the door. Neo followed behind you. You had also gotten a copy of your front door key from the loading program and you used it to open the door. With watery eyes you opened the door. "Ste.. Stevie?" You called with a broken voice. No answer. You felt your breathing stuttering, as tears ran down your face. The horror of the situation settling in your chest. You walked to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper. You took it and started reading out loud. "To (Y/n). If you are somehow reading this, I wish you'll inform us. Don't worry about Steve, he is safe. When you didn't answer my calls or messages, I tried to look for you and I found Steve alone. He is with me and fine. I hope you are alright and I miss you. With love, your best friend." 

You gave a small relieved sigh as more tears ran down your face. Steve was safe and fed. "We should probably go." Neo stated from behind you which made you flinch. "Ah, can we get a coffee or something? There is this one good bakery close to this one cafe and we could first go for a snack and then for a cup of coffee." You suggested, hopefully wiping away your tears. "Alright."

After you and Neo had visited the cafe the two of you started walking to the close by bakery. "Is it dumb how I want to have an unreal snack?" You asked Neo. He shook his head before admitting. "It's good to have a break from reality some times." You paused for a moment as you had a certain uneasy feeling, like you were being watched or followed. That feeling.. It was close to how you felt your surroundings but this was different.. It seemed like a person. "Mhm.. It's a little rough getting used to all this." "I fully get it (Y/n).. I'm quite new as well. It takes some time but you'll get your life under control soon." Neo answered, he furrowed his brows, seemingly catching on to the feeling of being watched as well.

Like on instinct, you pulled one of your guns from it's holster pointed it against the person's head. The person was.. Agent Smith. Your grip on the gun faltered slightly, but you yelled at Neo. "RUN NEO! I'LL BUY YOU TIME TO ESCAPE!" Neo looked at you with a hesitating look but did as you commanded. He was important, Morpheus had made that much clear. Smith managed to unarm you and the two of you started fighting. He blocked your hits with surprising ease, landing some on you. 

(*Smith's POV*)

"RUN NEO! I'LL BUY YOU TIME TO ESCAPE!" They were on the same side. Of course. It made sense but I was still shocked and livid. Both recruited my Morpheus. I threw (Y/n)'s gun to the side, unarming her in the process. I went easy on her but not too easy since dying would be inconvenient. She was surprisingly good at combat. Most surprising was when somehow (Y/n) appeared behind me and pinned me on the ground. She threatened me with a small knife to my throat. I could feel the cold metal biting on the skin of my neck. Most fascinating. "You move and I won't hesitate to slice your throat.. Got it?" (Y/n) threatened. I gave no answer but remained still, interested in where this was going. She inched the knife closer which caused the knife to cut slightly, painting the blade in red. "Yes." I grumbled. I felt weirdly connected at the moment, the closeness causing a sort of weird buzz under my skin.

We were like that for a moment longer. Then suddenly (Y/n) was grabbed and dramatically thrown against the wall of a nearby building. With a loud bang she was on the ground. I got up and rubbed my throat which was still slightly bleeding. I brushed the dust off of my suit and straightened it. The other agent walked to (Y/n) and with a strong kick she was out. "First mission after promotion and this is already second time I'm saving your ass." Of course. Agent Bennington. I ignored her and walked to (Y/n)'s side. "Seriously, not even a single thank you?" She crossed her arms. I knelt down to (Y/n)'s level and checked her pulse. She was bleeding but.. Alive. "Still nothing?" Bennington's sass was growing by the second. "Thank you for saving me." I thanked in a clearly annoyed tone.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Bennington questioned. I looked at (Y/n) and then turned to look at Bennington. A small smile formed on her lips. "Don't worry.." She said, her expression softening. I looked at her questioningly. What did she mean by that? Agent Brown and Jones arrived, finally. "What exactly happened?" Agent Brown asked in his usual monotone voice. "It doesn't matter. The important thing is that we need to get her to the base." I answered picking (Y/n) up bridal style. "Why isn't she dead?" Jones asked judgmentally. "She might be useful to us.." I answered simply. She was a part of Morpheus' crew. She could indeed be of use.

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