Chapter 11 - More human than you think

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(*Smith's POV*)

Normally, torture like this didn't awaken any new emotions in me, expect maybe the excitement of breaking someone. But hearing (Y/n) scream in pain had caused me to feel differently than usual and I simply left. Soon Agent Bennington followed. "You're usually the one who asks the questions.. You sure they even know how to get the right answers?" I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say really. "You like her don't you?" She asked walking by my side with a 'I know you do' smirk. "On a scale from 1-10 how strong would you rate your emotions?" Bennington asked in a mocking tone. "I don't feel anything, Bennington. I am a program. Like you." I stated, a slight growl to my voice, turning to face her. "You sure bout that?" She asked playfully, unaffected by my intimidation. I walked off with a huff. The fact I couldn't say yes to her bothered me beyond belief.

The serum lasted for 7 hours and after the effects dissipated I returned to the room where (Y/n) was being held. I took a seat in front of her yet again. She slowly looked up at me. Her expression was pained. And I swallowed hard. "So you're here to ask me if I agree to your terms?" (Y/n) guessed. Her voice sounded hopeless. "You can make the pain stop. Just tell us what you know."  (Y/n) looked away from me, which made me feel hollow inside. "I still have to go with a no." 

"We'll have to keep you here and the next injection of the serum will be tomorrow at morning." She could die if it was injected today. I took note that the patches for the lie detector had already been stuck on her. "I'd like to ask you a question.. It has nothing to do with Morpheus or the crew." (Y/n)'s face turned to one of interest. "Alright but if it's about the crew I won't answer. Even if you start torturing me." I don't know why that comment disappointed me. It was as if I was shocked she would think I'd simply start torturing her for nothing. I might have hated humans but. She.. I wouldn't want to do that to (Y/n). 

I took off my sunglasses and earpiece. I made eye contact which made her expression change to one of uncomfort. "How do you feel about me?" I don't know why I wanted to know. I had to know and yet I don't know why. (Y/n) looked very surprised to hear the question. "How I feel about you?" (Y/n) repeated my question. I nodded without breaking the eye contact. "Well you do things that I consider wrong.. But you get specific orders.. You can't protest the orders or they might do something to you. It.. It must scare you.. It would scare me." (Y/n)'s voice was filled with sympathy which made me feel uneven. Why? I saw a green light at the corner of my eye. She wasn't lying. I had to turn away from her when I asked my next question. "What if I'm just an emotionless monster? Just a.." "A program.." (Y/n) completed my sentence. "You are more than that. I assure you." The smile (Y/n) gave me was exhausted but soft. Softer than anything I had felt. Warm like a summer day. I was overwhelmed in a negative way. (Y/n) didn't deserve this.. She.. She didn't deserve to be harmed. She needed to be treasured. Those rays of sunlight could not vanish.

Once again a green light shone in the corner of my eye at her words. "I'm sorry." I muttered as I felt small drops of water on my face. Had it started raining? It couldn't have. We were inside. Then I realized that it wasn't raining.. I was crying. With quick movement I wiped my tears and looked away from (Y/n). I had showed emotion. I showed weakness. I shouldn't have.. I put on my sunglasses and stuffed the ear piece in my ear. I got up and walked through the door, leaving (Y/n) alone in the room. 

(*2nd person POV*)

After Smith left you were left alone to think. Had he cried? Had you touched him on such a deep level that it had made him tear up? And what had he muttered before he had left you?

(Alright.. This one was fun to write and i hope you guys enjoyed. Also i'll inform the POV at the start of the chapters only if it changes. So if for example the start of next chapter doesn't have a POV, it's happening at the 2nd person POV cause this one ended with 2nd Person POV. But ya you guys probably understood it already but i wanted to explain it better.)

He is a program //AGENT SMITH X READER//Where stories live. Discover now