Chapter 16 - Date with lil old Agent Smith

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(*2nd person POV*)

The day slowly drifted into a lovely clear skied evening. You were still at Smith's apartment. You were kinda bored so you had tried to clean a little, but the place was already shining clean. After finishing 'cleaning' you sat down on the couch to see what was on the TV. Nothing special.. Mostly TV-series' you didn't watch. You settled on a movie. After about two hours of intensely focusing on the interesting movie, your dearest Agent Smith returned. "So. Are you ready?" He asked on his honeyed voice. "Mhm. Tried to be useful but this place was already clean." "I like keeping it that way." You walked over to give him a kiss. The two of you shared a passionate kiss. You broke the kiss and asked casually. "Shall we?" 

 The two of you left the apartment and walked to the elevator. "So how did you manage to get me out of the building?" You were genuinely interested. "I have my ways, love." "A pet name already?" You saw Smith smirking at the corner of your eye. "I'm all up for it." You liked the nickname. It made you feel closer to him in a way. Shoved his affection better. There was a ding and you were down on the ground floor. It had been quite a while since you saw the boring stone pillars. One of the guards came to your side and stopped you. "It's alright. Miss (Y/l/n) is with me." Smith's voice was one of no emotion. You had connected the dots a long time ago but he did have a work mode.. Clearly. He never spoke with you that way. His voice was sort of flat. Tho it still held that certain Smithness to it. He showed an id card to the guard and after a moment of analyzing the guard nodded. The two of you walked out and as soon as the doors opened the summer air hit your face. You inhaled deeply and exhaled calmly. "Everything alright?" Smith examined your facial expression slightly confused. "Mhm.. Haven't just gotten fresh air in couple of days so this feels freshening." He smiled slightly and you walked to his side. The two of you got into his car.

 "So where to?" "I hadn't settled on anything. I have ideas but we can go with anything you'd like." His words caused you to smile. He wanted you to choose. "Hmm.. What are the options?" "We could go to a mall.. I could pay for everything.. We could grab something to eat. You might want to get some new clothes.. then perhaps a movie? I'm fine with aything really." "That sounds like a good plan." "Oh. Alright we can go with it then." The ride to the close mall didn't take too long. "This place looks huge." You held in a gasp. The place was bigger than you remembered. "Indeed." You looked up at the mall from the outside. "Let's go in." You hurried to Smith's side and took his hand which caused him to look at your hands. You could bet you saw the slightest of pink on his cheeks. 

You walked inside the huge mall hand in hand with Smith. There were lot of stores. "Can we visit a clothing store first?" You asked looking at Smith. "Sure. I don't really mind." The two of you  walked to a near by store. You started looking at the clothes and Smith followed behind and gave his opinion. You picked out couple of t-shirts, some jeans, underwear Smith looked at some mens clothes while you did that and two dresses. "I'm ready. Now. How about you?" Smith looked at you very confused. "What about me?" "You should get some new clothes too! Oh, look there." You held in a squeal.

"Eh... We don't have to-." Smith mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. The idea of getting Smith to dress up in something other than his suit was quite exciting. "Of course we have to! If you're going to pay for my clothes the least I can do is help you with picking out something as well." You smiled excitedly and dragged him along. "Alright let's see.. Doesn't that look stylish. You asked picking out a pair of black jeans, a white dress shirt and a grey jacket. (Picture of the clothes at the start of the chapter.) "Can you try those on for me, dear?" You asked making the 'dear' sound extra sweet. Smith grumbled something along the lines of "I can't believe I'm doing this" and nodded. "Sure, but just for you." You thanked him with a wide smile and gave him a quick peck on the lips before handing him the clothes. He disappeared into the dressing room and you waited outside. You went threw the clothes you had picked out. Soon he came out wearing the clothes. You looked into his exposed beautiful blue eyes with a huge smile. "You look great!" He straightened the jacket and answered. "I like it. It's pretty comfortable and it looks nice. Tho I'm still more of a suit person." 

After he paid for all the clothes, the two of you went on to grab something to eat. "So what's next?" Smith smiled at you and you had sort of a bad feeling. "I had something in mind." "A-ha.. And what would that be, dear?" You looked at him excitement bubbling inside of you. "You'll have to wait and see." "A surprise, eh? Well so be it." The two of you went on to eat and chat about everything really.

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