Chapter 7 - Training montage

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(Yea.. I love this story.. Decided to do an early update. Do not fear! There will be another update at the end of the week. Quick shout out to changalio! Thank you for the motivation!❤️ Now the story..)

(*2nd P.O.V*)

Morpheus had introduced you to the rest of the crew. The bald man was seemingly called Cypher and the young boy was Mouse. Also there were these operators.. Tank and Dozer. Morpheus had also finally explained to you 'the truth'. You and all the others were born to be batteries. "Everything, my life, friends, job, everything was a lie?" You asked seating yourself at a metallic table. You had learned the truth an hour ago and you had finally processed it. "Sadly, yes." Morpheus said twirling his thumbs. "Your training will start tomorrow." He continued before he got up. "I don't even know how to fight." You sighed. "Don't worry, Tank will help you with that." Morpheus smiled at you before he left. "If you say so.."

"Good morning, champ!" Tank woke you up, positive as ever. "Just couple more minutes please.." You groaned, burying your face in your pillow. "Its already time for breakfast and then we'll upload fighting styles into you." Tank set down a tray on your metallic night stand. "I'll wait outside." Tank left your room, closing the door behind him. You sighed and got up, stretching a little. You walked over to your small closet. "Alright.. (Y/f/c) sweater and a pair of black pants. Also those boots." You put on your outfit and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had started to like your new hairstyle. It was sort of a pixie cut. 

You hummed as you and Tank walked to the main deck after breakfast. "So how does it happen?" You asked Tank. "Oh, well, you get a cable attached to the back of your neck and I just upload knowledge into your head." Tank smiled slightly. "Sounds a tad like brainwashing not gonna lie." You answered, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's more like teaching your brain than brainwashing." The main deck seemed quite lively. Dozer was typing away on one of the computers and Mouse was showing off some of his card tricks to Apoc and Switch. You guessed Morpheus was already in the control room.

"Alright. You need to sit there and I will insert this cable into the port in the back of your neck. It will feel weird but you will get over the feeling." You had grown to like Tank in your short time abroad the hovercraft. He was kind and had an especially friendly aura to him. "Alright." You smiled before you sat down on the chair. He inserted the cable into the socket at the back of your neck. The feeling was foreign and weird, your nails dug into the chair's old leather handles. Your eyes forced shut. Tank pushed the button. Soon your eyes opened by themselves. You felt sudden energy. "Ooh! That-that was cool." You took couple of quick breaths. "You want some more?" "Sure!" 

After an hour of intense loading it was time to stop. "Alright, she is ready for now." Morpheus said. He had entered the main deck. "That was probably like 10 training montages worth of.. well.. training." You chuckled.

You and Morpheus were at some sort of a dojo. "This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same basic rules, rules like gravity. What you must learn is that these rules are no different that the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken. Understand? Then hit me. If you can..." You attacked. You kicked and punched at Morpheus. You were faster then you had expected. Yet you didn't land a single hits on him. 

(*3rd person P.O.V*) 

"(Y/n) is fighting Morpheus!" Mouse squealed at the crew members who were hanging out at the cafeteria. They all rushed after him to see how (Y/n) was doing. Cypher thought about the deal and sat still. "Cypher? Are you coming?" Trinity asked. "Ah! Yes." He followed after the black haired young lady.

(*2nd person P.O.V*)

You were laying on the ground defeated by Morpheus. "How did I beat you?" "You are too fast." You said out of breath. "Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? You think that's air you're breathing now? " You looked at him, the cogs in your mind turning. He was right! "Again." Morpheus commanded. Soon the two of you were sparring.. Morpheus landed hits on you and you landed none on him. Then suddenly you felt a connection with your surroundings. In a blink of an eye you were behind Morpheus. You were both confused, but you used this as a chance to kick him. He had not reacted fast enough and faltered at the hit. "How is that even possible?" You asked looking at him.

(*3rd person P.O.V*)

Mouse stared at the screen with wild eyes. "How did she do that?" "I'm not sure.. It looks like (Y/n) somehow became a part of the Code.. and then moved in the code to get to another location." Tank said leaning back on his chair. This was most interesting.

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