Chapter 2 - Interrogation

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(Y/e/c)=Your eye color)

(*2nd person P.O.V*)

The three agents took you to an interrogation room. The room gave you an uneasy feeling, it felt empty and small, nearly claustrophobic. The agents that had been dragging you, seated you on a chair next to a sturdy looking desk. The third one sat on the chair that was on the opposite side of the desk. He had momentarily split from the group earlier to get a folder that he now set on the table.  You sat in silence and examined this man. He didn't seem like a human, heck none of them did. They breathed like humans do but there was just something off about the trio. You didn't know what it could be but a part of you wished you wouldn't find out. You continued to examine the agent in front of you. Your gaze was caught by his nearly perfect chocolate brown hair and delegate features, as if crafted by something out of this word. He flipped through the folder before he spoke to you. "As you can see we have had our eye on you for sometime now, Miss (Y/l/n)." 

His voice was polite and calm and you already knew you could listen to it for hours and hours. It somehow calmed you down, ignoring the fact that you had been taken against your will to a strange location for answering your phone. He had an aura of control to him. "Who are you exactly?" "I am Agent Smith." Smith gestured past you. His movement was all with purpose. "And they are Agent's Jones and Brown." He paused for a moment and you gave a quick glance at Agent Jones and Brown.  "We have the reason to believe that you have been contacted by a certain individual, who goes by the name Morpheus." There that name was again. "You might be asking yourself why exactly we have brought you here." He paused. 

"And the truth be told, you are here because we are in need of your help." Agent Smith took off his sunglasses, revealing a beautiful pair of blue eyes which were framed by long dark lashes. His eyes were firmly locked on your (Y/e/c) ones. His gaze was piercing. It was as if this man saw right through you. He was attractive in a way. As soon as you had that thought, you smacked yourself with an imaginary rolled-up newspaper. This was no time for childish crushes.

"Why me?" You asked honestly. His expression stayed neutral and collected as he answered your question. "Because it seems that Morpheus has taken an interest in you, Miss (Y/l/n). If you were to contact him and pretend to join his little crew, you could manage to do something we have been trying to do for months. Lure him out of hiding." You tilted your head at him. His plan did make sense.

He leaned forward and his voice softened slightly. "My colleagues believe that I am wasting my time with you but I believe that you wish to do the right thing. We're willing to reward you with nearly anything and all that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice." 

The pieces of this puzzle were clicking into place and now you were faced with a choice. Smith waited patiently. You made your decision, following you gut and events of that day. "I won't do it." Smith's eyes remained pinned to your for a moment longer before he slowly lifted his sunglasses back to cover his eyes. "You disappoint me." He stated simply, matter-of-factly even. "Mhm.. Can I go home now? Or do we change roles? I'd like to get to interrogate next, or did one of your agent buddies already claim that role?" You leaned back slightly on your chair, feeling more confident after your snarky comment. "I am sorry to inform but we can't let you go without a quick.. addition." "What do you-." Your mouth started to melt together. You tried to feel for your lips or a piece of tape, something, anything, but your fingertips came into contact with only smooth skin. You got up alarmed, your chair clattering to the floor in the process. Agent Jones and Brown grabbed you harshly before you could flee. They forced you on the interrogation table.

You screamed in horror but it didn't come out as more than weak muffled mewling. Smith took a small box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a small metallic thing, that turned into a slimy looking bug like small robot. Jones and Brown pulled your shirt so that your bellybutton was visible. "You're going to help us, Miss (Y/l/n) whether you want to or not." He slowly put the bug on your stomach. It crawled to your bellybutton and then forced inside. You could do nothing but try to scream as the robot forced it's way into your body. Jones and Brown held you still. Tears rolled down your cheeks as the pain was too much.

You jolted on your bed and threw off your blanket, your eyes fell to your bellybutton trying to see if the bug was still there, but it was gone. It looked like it usually did and you were home.. And everything was fine."Perhaps it was just a very vivid dream." You tried to assure yourself, still on edge. You looked at the clock and noticed that it was already evening. You remained on your bed for a moment longer before deciding to go over to your computer. The screen was already lit up. Text started appearing on the screen. "We are running out of time, so I must be brief. They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are. If you stay you will be in danger." You questioned everything. "If you want to meet go to the Adams street Bridge." The text disappeared and you were left wondering what was going on. You walked to the kitchen and Steve was laying on the kitchen floor and looking at the empty bowl. He looked up at you as if begging for food. "I'm sorry! I'll get you your dinner." You apologized quickly and filled his bowl. You wondered if it was really a smart idea to go to Adams street Bridge. Maybe it would give you the answers you needed.

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