She's Mine (Sakata Gintoki)

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"Gintoki, let's go. Kagura and Shinpachi might already be waiting for us." (Y/N) sighs, as she finished putting her clothes on, she decided to go a little casual since it was just a small party so she wore a simple white dress with no design, covering it with a blue cardigan and she let her (H/L) (H/C) hair down.

"Wait a little while, won't you?"Gintoki sighs as he finished reading his JUMP and she groaned. "You're already so old yet you still read that,"She comments, hands on her waist.

"Want me to keep you busy instead?~"Gintoki's lips curl into a smirk as he stood up, his arm running to her waist as he lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"As much as I'd like to, we have to go, right now!"She hisses as she grabs his hands and dragged him towards the door, "You're no fun."Gintoki pouts as he puts his boots on.

"When can Gin-san here, who works hard all day, finally get his relaxation from his girlfriend?"He whined as she turned a deaf ear to his words and dragged him to the Shimura household.

"Stop it now! No doing anything at Patsuan's house okay? They don't know about us yet."(Y/N) says putting a finger up as a warning. As Gintoki meakly nodded his head.

It was a total wreck after Gintoki and (Y/N) arrived at the Shimura Household for the late celebration of Shinpachi's birthday, everyone had gotten a whole lot crazier with Gintoki around.

"(Y/N)-chan! Come drink with us!"Otae pulls (Y/N) to the table, she sat between Kagura and Tsukuyo, while Sarutobi, Otae and Kyubei were half drunk already.

(Y/N) turns to see Kagura downing food like there was no tomorrow. "Kagura, how many have you eaten?"(Y/N) asked worriedly as Kagura pauses for a while and looked up.

"It's only been my 5th one!"Kagura says returning to her food.

"I see, where's Patsuan?"(Y/N) looks around before spotting Shinpachi with his usual straight-man remarks at the end side with the boys.

"(Y/N), won't you have a drink?"Tsukuyo says as she exhales smoke from her pipe. "I'll gladly have some!"Gintoki slips in and takes the cup Tsukuyo held out as he takes a seat with a loud groan.

"Ah! Sake is perfect for nights like this!!"He cheers,"I'll have some later."(Y/N) smiles as Tsukuyo nodded and she headed off to Shinpachi.

"Patsuan! Belated Happy Birthday!"(Y/N) greets as Shinpachi turns to her and thanks her with a sad smile, "Everyone's so out of place, but I can't say a thing. Sis is happy with it."Shinpachi sighs, "Don't worry, Patsuan! Just have fun!"She winks at him and then she felt someone tug on her wrist making her sit down.

"If it isn't the goddess herself! Thank you for bestowing us with your eternal beauty!!"Toujo cheers, as (Y/N) was forcefully sat down by Okita.

"Who're you calling a goddess, you blind man?"(Y/N) jokes as everyone laughs.

"Well, well! Tonight's a celebration! Have a drink, (Y/N)!"Kondo says patting (Y/N)'s back hardly as he hands her a cup.

"I promised to drink with Tsukuyo..."(Y/N) sweat drops, "It's just one drink, nee-san~"Okita says as (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, aren't you too young to drink?"She narrows her eyes at Okita who shrugs and easily brushes it off.

"What took you so long to come? And you just had to come with that silver freak."Hijikata scowls, placing a cigarette to his lips, "I told you I had to shower first, and I just coincidentally met Gintoki at the gate."She shrugs not noticing Hijikata's expression which sjowed jealousy.

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