Your Laugh (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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As they say, laughter is the best medicine. Well, (Y/N) took that saying to the heart. Whenever she got injured she would just laugh it off like it was nothing. Especially when it was certainly not something to laugh at. But what can she do? She was a bright woman, one that can always laugh and smile brightly no matter what the circumstance.

In the times of war, the most dreadful time is when things are quiet. Because you never know what's going to happen. Everything may seem peaceful and calm one second but the next you might find yourself on a blood stained battlefield.

For Takasugi, (Y/N) is one thing he never wanted to lose. He feared the day when he would lose her, if the day shall come— he would lose himself too. She was the only thing that Takasugi had, after losing Shoyo, left to treasure.

But (Y/N) was a great samurai, her sword fighting skills were nothing to scoff at. Takasugi knew that, and though he knew– he couldn't rest easy knowing that any time any day, death– could come and take her away.

God forbid something happened to her because if something did, Takasugi would never forgive himself. He would get swallowed up by the darkness, without the sunshine in his life‐ that is (Y/N).

"Where's (Y/N)?!" Takasugi's voice roared as he sped through the halls looking from room to room, searching for the (H/C) haired samurai. He had heard that she got injured, and he became anxious. She rarely got injured in a battle but if she did, it would mean she had sustained terrible injuries.

Takasugi threw the door to her room open, as he breathed heavily, he saw her lying on her futon. Her head was bandaged and so was one of her eyes, her arms and legs covered in bandages as well as half her body.

This sight was eating away at him. His heart was in pain, he never wanted to see her like this ever again. Just by seeing this, he felt guilty and responsible. He should be able to protect the one he loves. If He can't even do that– then what use is his strength?

He silently kneeled beside her and watched her calm expression as she slept peacefully. As he watched that expression he burned it into his mind, mentally carving an oath in his heart‐ that he would protect this woman, no matter what happens. Whatever he needs to sacrifice he will if it's all for her sake.

It wasn't long before she woke up and spotted the male. "Shinsuke! What are you doing here?" She still had that gentle smile on her lips despite being injured this badly.

"What...happened?" He spoke lowly as he clenched his fist, trying to contain the rage and anger bubbling inside him.

"Ah, I guess I got too careless." She nervously grinned at him, scratching her cheek nervously. When Takasugi banged his fist on the floor. "Damn it, (Y/N). Won't you take better care of yourself?!" He yells as she sat up and stared at him, shocked.

Silence engulfed the two of them, Takasugi had his head tilted down with an angry look, his eyebrows were scrunched together and he was clenching his jaw in anger. Meanwhile (Y/N) had a dumb founded look on her face.

Suddenly she laughed, out loud, it sounded angelic. Takasugi looked up and the crease between his eyebrows increased when she ceased laughing and smiled at him again. That smile of hers— that managed to make him calm down no matter what.

Gently, she placed each of her hands on his cheeks and smiled. "Shinsuke, that isn't a good look on your face." She reminded him as she then pinched his cheeks. While he, was confused on what the girl was hoping to achieve by doing so.

"Come on, smile. You're always scowling and frowning. To think of it, when have I ever seen you smile or laugh, hm?" She grinned devilishly as she then tried to tickle him in various places.

However she got no response, the only response she received was that uminpressed and emotionless look on his face. She pouted and let out a huge sigh. "So you're not ticklish, huh?" She hums in wonder while Takasugi was still staring at her with a dead look in his eyes.

"Are you an idiot?"

"Shinsuke, What kind of shorts do clouds wear?"




"Shinsuke, how do you put a baby alien to sleep?"

"Kill it."

"You rocket!"


"Shinsuke, what do you call a pig that does karate?"

"An idiot."

"It's Pork Chop!"


Takasugi had enough, her jokes weren't the least bit funny to him. But, she was still cute and he wouldn't dare let down a woman who was trying her best. Suddenly, Takasugi got an idea and he smirked.

He eyed (Y/N) who was busy trying to think up of some other kind of joke– or at least, something funny. Then he leaned closer to her, and pushed her down on the futon, hovering over her small figure.

"S-Shinsuke?" She had instantly grew flustered, as her face grew hot. Takasugi kept inching closer and closer until eventually his face was just above hers. He leaned down near her ear, while still pinning her down.

"(Y/N), What do you call a woman who's caught my attention?" He whispered huskily into her ear. Although she was getting embarrassed by the position they were currently in, she grew confused. "What?...I don't quite get it, Shinsuke." (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows when Takasugi moved from her ears to her face. "It's (Y/N)."

His lips were drawing closer to hers, (Y/N) let out a small squeal as she shut her eyes close waiting for his lips to make contact. A few seconds passed and she felt nothing.

(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes to see Takasugi sitting back on the side of her futon with a handsome smile on his lips as he chuckled lowly, his shoulders moving slightly.

"The look on your face, you should've seen it." He mutters in between his desperate attempts to seal off his laughter but the sight was a shock to (Y/N) as her jaw dropped to the ground.

Takasugi was a thousand times hotter when he laughed. His eyes were shut as he tried to suppress his laughter, that sexy smile he tried to fight off on his lips was something she would never forget for as long as she lived.

"S-Shinsuke....D-Did you just laugh?!" She gasped, pointing a finger at Takasugi who flinched. He cleared his throat and regained his composure. He quickly crossed his arms and coughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says, but there was a faint trail of red on his cheeks.

"I-Is that real? Shinsuke, you're blushing too!?"

"I said I wasn't! Get some sleep!" He throws an extra pillow at her face bringing her down to the futon. Then, Takasugi slipped into her futon as well. Hugging her gently with his arms.

"Shinsuke, do you know what will instantly cure me?" (Y/N) hums softly while they were basking in the tranquil atmosphere. Takasugi only grunted in response.

"Your laugh made me feel better. But, you by my side makes me feel like nothing can hurt me now."



Okay. That was bad. I apologize. The jokes weren't even funny! MightyMarquess I hope you like it tho 😭.

Requests still open. ♥️♥️♥️

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