Under This Moon (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"Shinsuke, can't sleep?..." Takasugi looked around, searching for where he heard that faint voice. Until his green orbs fell on (Y/N)'s small whisper, her head peeking out from her futon. "Why are you awake?" He whispered back as she laughed a little and stood up.

"Come on." She gently took his hand and guided him towards the porch outside the room, they sat at the floorboard and gazed up at the moon. "Whenever I can't sleep, I look at the moon." She hums lowly, her hand still on Takasugi's.


"Because when I look at this moon— I'm reminded of how little I am. But still, under this moon's guiding light. I'm just a normal girl, and then, I feel all my troubles and worries disappear. After that, I can easily fall asleep!" She beams happily, Takasugi glanced at her and saw how beautiful she looked that night.

Without a doubt, she had the purest soul of all. Untainted and Pure, full of sincerity and kindness. He wanted to protect her, more than anything else.

"Why are you still awake?" Takasugi's voice smapped (Y/N) out of her trance. She turns to the male who took a seat beside her. "I'm on guard duty!" She beams, they both sat on top of the roof, though it was night they could see each other clearly.

"Some guard duty, you were spacing out." Takasugi snickered when (Y/N) looked up at the moon once more. "Can't sleep again, Shinsuke?" (Y/N) laughs lightly as she leaned her body softly against his.

"How will I be able to sleep with a guard that keeps spacing out?" He mocked her as she gaped at him. "You're rude! I wasn't spacing out, I was just thinking!" She hits his arm playfully. "About what?"

"Listen, Shinsuke." She spoke, in a soft tone as she had her eyes up at the bright moon, her hand lay on top of Takasugi's hand. "Under this moon, I'm not a samurai fighting in a war. I'm just a normal woman, watching the moon...So, let me say something a normal woman would." She gulped lightly and turned to meet Takasugi's green orbs.

"I love you." She says, with a warm gaze as Takasugi's eyes widened. "Under this moon, you're not the Kiheitai Commander, you're just a normal man too...So you're free to say anything a normal man could." She hums as Takasugi sighs lightly, a faint smile appearing on his lips.

"I see....Then, this time— I can say that, I love you too." He says, as he pushed her head towards his chest and hugged her. "Shinsuke....Let me do one more thing, a normal woman would." She pleaded as she tapped his shoulder.

Takasugi nodded meakly and slowly, she took his cheeks in her hands and brought their lips together.

"....A dream, huh?" Takasugi snapped his eye open as he sat up and looked outside the window of his room. Their ship was currently docked at earth. Slowly, Takasugi stood up and made his way out of the ship silently.

He was walking along the docks, it was night so he doubt anyone would see him. Takasugi arrived at the bridge, where he saw a lone figure. His eye widened slightly, he glanced up and saw the moon was shining with it's brilliant radiance.

Takasugi arrived at her side. They both leaned on the railings of the bridge and faced the moon with a somber look on their faces. They both felt at peace, calm and like all their troubles had gone away.

"I see you never changed." Takasugi lowly but softly spoke, his eyes taking occassional glances at the beautiful (H/C) haired woman who had a peaceful look on her face. "You never did too, you always can't sleep when the moon is beautiful." She retorted in a soft voice.

"The only reason I couldn't was because I know there was someone who wanted to gaze at that beautiful moon." Takasugi answered her with a soft, light chuckle.

The two of them had drifted apart, but their hearts were together. She was now part of the Yorozuya, and he was now still the Commander of the Kiheitai. They may be worlds apart, but their promises of love to one another were not forgotten, but carved into their hearts.

Slowly, Takasugi placed his arm around her shoulders. He had always been wanting to do that and now that he did. It felt so good, so perfect, like she was made to be in his arms. (Y/N) didn't say anything, she just kept looking at the moon with that one look on her face.

"Aren't your friends gonna be angry when they find out you're hanging out with the enemy?~" Takasugi teased her, his arm still wrapped around her. (Y/N) let out a soft huff of annoyance. "Where's the enemy you speak of?" She raised an eyebrow and Takasugi furrowed his eyebrows.

"I see none." She says with an indifferent expression on her face. "(Y/N), both you and I know what this is." He pressed on, "We're on opposite sides and no matter what, we can't avoid the fateful day that we will eventually have to face. It's either you cut me down, or I cut you down."

"Shinsuke." Her voice snapped at him, she was warning him to stop talking. Takasugi looked down at her with a somewhat surprised look. "You came here to look at the moon. That means one thing, Shinsuke. I know you haven't forgotten." (Y/N) says, as she snuggled closer in his warm embrace.

"Under this moon, Shinsuke..." She trails off in a small, faint voice. "You're not the Kiheitai Commander, you're just a man. I'm not a Yorozuya, I'm just a woman." She turns to cradle his face with her warm hands as their eyes meet.

This was when Takasugi saw that her eyes were brimming with tears she was holding back. "Under this Moon, we're not sworn enemies, we're merely two people who love each other." She says as she and Takasugi's lips softly collide.

They kissed each other, giving voice to all the times they longed to be by each other's side. They could only meet when the moon was up, because under the moon, they were merely lovers...



Yaaaaaay! Takasugi is the ultimate cutie! I hope I did a good job with this one. Here ya go! pinecest15! ♥️♥️♥️ Hope you all like it! I totally gave it my all!

Requests still open! ♥️♥️

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