My World and My Everything (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"(S/N)! (D/N)! We're gonna be late!!" (Y/N) yells as she sighed and gave the two kids, who slowly walked out of the room, a stern stare. "...Do we really have to come, Mom?" (S/N) asked with a deep sigh.

"I want to come! I get to see our handsome uncles again!" (D/N) cheered happily. "And your uncles probably miss you too." (Y/N) added as she ushered them outside the house.

"Your father's been waiting for quite a while now. Let's not keep him waiting, okay?" (Y/N) smiled at the kids in a way that was telling them not to be stubborn.

"Y-Yes mom...."

(Y/N) was a woman that one did not want to piss off. Even Kamui got scared of her when she got really mad, Takasugi was basically under her thumb. Even the kids were terrified of her too.

"Dad, what took you so long?!" (S/N) asks when Takasugi arrived at their house. "Sorry, I was caught up with some things." Takasugi smiled softly as he pats (S/N)'s hair.

"But do we really have to go?..." Takasugi turned to (Y/N) with a hesitant gaze. "Shin, it's been a while since we've seen everyone!" She furrowed her eyebrows at him disapprovingly.

"And you—" She pinched his ear. "Have to make up with all of them— especially Gin!" She let go of his ear and Takasugi frowned.

"Tsk, idiot."



"Daddy, what took you so long?" (D/N) tugged on the hem of Takasugi's kimono making the man look at her and pick her up.

"I had to finish some things." Takasugi explained, but then something caught (Y/N)'s eye.

It was a pink handkerchief sticking out from the sleeve of Takasugi's kimono. (Y/N) gasped as she watched Takasugi walk away with (S/N) and (D/N).

Her mind immediately got clouded with various thoughts and scenarios. "Shin....What did you do at the ship?" (Y/N) asked him, catching up by his side as she looked away from him.

"Oh, there was a new recruit. Matako recruited her, I think..." Takasugi answered nonchalantly. (Y/N) looked down and bit her lip. "...Who is it?" She forced a smile and Takasugi raised an eyebrow.

"I think her name was Kimiko...or something."

".....Was today the first time you met her?" (Y/N) asked.

"....You're unusually interested, huh?" Takasugi smirked as he looked at her. He placed (D/N) back on the ground and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. He then leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her ring.

"But don't worry— I'm only yours forever." He smiled at her.

".......Let's go, they must be waiting for us." (Y/N) spoke coldly as she slipped her hand out of his grasp and walked away.

"....She's acting weird again." Takasugi's eyebrow twitched as he sighed and followed behind her.

(Y/N) had her doubts— but now, what he said just added fuel to the fire. (Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek and she anxiously focused on the trail in front of her.

Why was she acting this way? Well, that was because of a little something she stumbled upon a few weeks ago...

'...Last week, I saw that lipstick stain on his kimono sleeve.' (Y/N) thought as she slowly remembered all the things that she happened to see all upon pure coincidence.

"Shin, I'm doing the laundry. Change into this," (Y/N) instructs, strutting inside their room where Takasugi was laying comfortably on the bed. She gave him a new kimono, and he easily slipped out of the one he was wearing.

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