One Kiss Is All It Takes (Hijikata Toshiro)

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(Y/N) sighed deeply, playing with her fingers while she stared at Hijikata who was running away from Okita's usual ploys to kill him. She bit her lip as her eyes carried a certain emotion in them whenever her eyes fell on Hijikata— it was love.

The female was a mere doctor in the Shinsengumi— they didn't accept female members as officers, but took her in as a doctor. Ever since she'd been working there, she had eyes only for one man– Hijikata Toshiro.

She didn't know what it was that made her fall for him— she just did. Was it that ridiculously good looking, soft and appealing onxy green-black hair of his? Or was it those metallic icy blue orbs of his that seemed to pierce her heart every time it fell on her?

She honestly had no clue— the only thing she knew was that she was in love with him and she couldn't stop falling for him each and everyday. "Oi, (Y/N). Are you listening?" Hijikata's deep voice snapped her out of her trance to find the male– standing in front of her with a wounded arm.

"Hijikata-kun! What happened?" She jumped up and began to search frantically for her medical supplies. As the man took a seat at the porch with a loud grunt. "That Sougo— I barely managed to escape this time." He only mumbled out as she began treating his small injury.

As she was doing so, she couldn't help but take small glances at his face. He looked so handsome no matter what expression he had on that face of his. She sighed and knew she was in deep trouble. 'Oh right, today's the sleepover...Maybe, I should ask the girls for advice. Wait— no, that's a bad idea.' (Y/N) thought in her mind.

"It's all done!" She patted his arm lightly and went away. "Alright! I'm looking forward to tonight" She mumbles happily to herself. Otae had invited her to a sleepover at their house, along with all the other girls as well.

"So? What did you want to talk about?" Tsukuyo questioned turning to Otae, everyone was gathered in one room. They were all settled in sleeping clothes and were lying down on their futons, while also playing UNO.

"Hm, what do you mean? Draw four~" Otae had her iconic smile on her face as she landed a draw four and Tsukuyo sighed. "Tae-chan, you usually call for stuff like these when you want to hear some gossips. you have one?~" (Y/N) teased the brown haired female a bit.

"Right! Right! What's happening with you and the gorilla?" Sarutobi says, suddenly appearing out of nowhere and blending in. But she certainly wasn't invited because Otae never got along with her that well.

"Well, me and Gin-san are planning on—"

"So, Kagura-chan. How about you? As a kid, You have many chances to meet boys!" Otae ignored Sarutobi, as everyone turned to the vermillion haired girl. "Hmp! No one is worth my attention! Since I'm the Queen of Kabuki District! Draw 2, (Y/N)-nee!"

"I thought so...." (Y/N) sighed with a laugh, plucking out two cards from the deck. "How about you, (Y/N)-chan?" Kyubei shoved the attention to the (H/C) female who shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing's going on with me." She tried to play it off, hoping the girls wouldn't notice her lie. "Enough of that, draw four Kyubei." (Y/N) suddenly had a dark look on her face but she quickly hid it behind a small smile as Kyubei sadly plucked four additional cards.

"Yorozuya. This is bad, at this rate— The Yagyu kid is gonna lose!!" Kondo dramatically says, the men were peeking from the slight crack of the door they made.

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