Love Looks Pretty On You (Sakata Gintoki)

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*hehe, this is in Gin-san's POV!

Love looked good on her.

She was glowing every second of the day I saw her, her eyes were lit up with passion unlike any other and that beautiful smile that stretched on her lips made me fall for her more and more with each passing day.

I was so in love with her and she didn't know.

Back then, I didn't know what it was that she was always looking forward to every day. What it was that made her smile so brightly. What it was that made her eyes light up.

But now I know.

It was him.

I glanced at (Y/N) as she walked out of our room. I put the JUMP down and kept my eyes fixed on her, "Where are you off to?" I asked her in a deep tone, trying not to show my interest.

"Oh, I was...going to go shopping for dinner." She seemed a bit hesitant as if she was hiding something. I narrowed my eyes at her for a while before I sat up from my previous lying position on the couch.

"I'm going with." I stated firmly, and stood up. She looked shocked, a small blush forming on her cheek as she scurried towards the doorway.

I didn't understand why until we ran into him at the supermarkets.

"Oh, K-Kotaro!! Haha, what a coincidence!!"

I could hear her greet happily, looking forward I saw Zura standing in his usual monk costume, the Shinsengumi must be trailing him. "Hey, Zura." I greeted him, walking next to (Y/N) while also stealing glances at her face.

And I saw it.

Those beautiful (E/C) orbs that shone brightly whenever she looked at him, that beautiful smile that only appeared on her lips whenever she was talking to him.

It was Zura.

How couldn't I have noticed it before? Maybe, it was all just an illusion of my heart that was in denial. I wasn't the reason for that smile, and it certainly wasn't for me either.

But she looked beautiful when she smiled.

I stare in silence as she and Zura exchange words, and I could see how much she liked him. She never acted like that around me— she only acted like that with him.

"What do you say, Gintoki?"

I was snapped out of the silent thoughts swirling in my head, seeing (Y/N) and Katsura turn to me as if expecting an answer.

Ah...I wasn't listening. I gulped nervously before I scratched the back of my head and sighed. "Sorry, it was boring me so I didn't listen." I admitted and placed a hand on Zura's shoulder.

"But, I'm gonna go play pachinko now....So, Zura....." I trail off and eye Zura by turning my head towards him slightly, a small smile played on my lips.

"Take care of her for Gin-san, will ya?"

With that, I brushed past him and went away to god knows where. I just didn't want her to see the kind of face that I was making— it was very uncharacteristical of me to do so.

I didn't look back and kept walking away, I didn't want to see what kind of face she was making either. Was she happy that I was out of the way between her blossoming love with Zura? Or did she realize that there was something wrong with me and felt sad that I was leaving?

I didn't want to know which of the two it was— because either way, both of that would break me.

Love looked sad on her.

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