My Woman (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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Takasugi Shinsuke isn't one who acts all casual with someone. He usually talks with someone like it's a business, always formal. That's why no one ever sees him getting so cozy with anyone. Except for (Y/N). She has been with him the longest.

(Y/N) is the only person that Takasugi listens to. He treasures her more than anything in this rotten world. To Takasugi, she was like the sun, shining his path in this rotten, cruel world that's full of darkness.

Actually, (Y/N) is a kind person. She has a heart that's so full of kindness. She helps everyone to the best of her abilities. She became a doctor, because she wanted to help people. But despite that, she went with Takasugi and his Kiheitai.

At first, he was confused why she wanted to join him, not that he didn't want to. But then he only saw that the depth of her kindness knows no bounds. She said that Takasugi had his own reasons for what he wanted to do and that she will support him no matter what.

But despite all that, all the years of knowing each other, Takasugi has never ever confessed atleast once to her. Little did he know, she felt the same about him.

"There she is again." Matako clicked her tongue, her eyes glaring daggers into (Y/N)'s back as the (H/C) haired female talked with an injured member of the Kiheitai.

"I don't understand your hostility towards (Y/N)-dono." Takechi says, Bansai appeared at their side too. Watching as Matako was still glaring at the woman. "How can I not? She acts so close to my Shinsuke-sama!" Matako yells angrily.

"(Y/N)-dono is our doctor. She's kind with everyone in here, even to you." Bansai sighs as he walked away with a small sigh. "Doctor or not...Why is she acting so chummy with Shinsuke-sama?"

(Y/N) hums happily as she connected her hands behind her back and trudged back to the infirmary. The day was still young so she wanted to do a bit more work. But when she got back to her office, she saw thumbtacks littering the floor.

"This again?..." (Y/N) sighs as she carefully picked up the thumbtacks before it could hurt anyone. She knew who placed it. She always did, it started a while back. Everyday something new popped up that could potentially cause her harm. There were countless other methods used on her, such as tripping her, locking her up in the restroom, cutting her clothes up and many other more.

She knew very well Matako's intentions. It was a warning to her. But she could understand that Matako only did it because of her strong feelings for Takasugi. (Y/N) never confronted her nor told anyone about it, she kept it as her own little secret.

Because of the same reason, she paid Takasugi little visits. She wanted to put some space in regards to Matako's feelings.

"(Y/N), come to my room." A knock on the door made her jump in surprise, (Y/N) turned to see the purple haired male leaning on her doorframe. "O-Oh, right." She nodded as she silently followed Takasugi.

"You haven't been coming to my room lately. Is something wrong?" He asked, in a soft voice once they were locked within the walls of his room. "No! No, nothing's wrong. I've been keeping myself busy with work~" She spoke as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She managed to put a grin on her lips as Takasugi eyed her suspiciously.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, so uhm...what did you need me for?" She asked as she nervously twiddled with her thumbs. "I want you to stay with me here." He shortly commanded and (Y/N) arched an eyebrow.

"I...don't understand, Shinsuke." She says as she cocked her head to the side. "Stay with me for the night. I don't like repeating myself, (Y/N)." Takasugi clicked his tongue as he shot his hands out to grab her wrist and pull her to sit on his lap.

"U-Uhm...I should be doing my work." (Y/N) says as she looked down, not meeting his gaze. Takasugi wrapped his arms around her waist as he laid his chin on her shoulder. "You are doing your work." Takasugi gruffly answered.

"I've been stressed lately, and now you're helping remove my stress." Takasugi chuckled lowly as (Y/N) sighs with a small smile as she played with his hair. "Well, my job is to help people when they need it." She chuckled as she hums softly.

"You've been too kind, (Y/N). Don't get to the point when others take advantage of your kindness." Takasugi suddenly brought up and (Y/N) felt her heartbeat fasten. Did he know what had been going on between her and Matako?

"There is no such thing as being too kind in this world, Shinsuke."

"You stayed in Shinsuke-sama's room. How shameless can you be?!" Matako yells, as she barged into (Y/N)'s office the next day. (Y/N) turned her chair around to face Matako who was already pointing her pistol at (Y/N)'s temple. "Matako, please calm down." (Y/N) spoke softly as she gently pushed the pistol away.

"You never take my warnings seriously don't you?! Why can't you get it?!"

"Listen, I don't have anything to say but-" (Y/N) gulped when Matako pushed her pistol closer to her forehead. "I understand why you're doing this, but I think we should sit down and talk first!"

"Talk? There you go on about shit like that again! I gave you warnings, many of them, but you were the one who didn't listen!"

"Put your gun down." Suddenly, Takasugi appeared. The aura he gave off was terrifying, and bone chilling. "S-Shinsuke-sama!" Matako quickly placed her guns down and stood upright.

"Do you have a problem with (Y/N)?" He asks intimidatingly as he walked towards (Y/N) and placed his arm around her shoulders. "Shinsuke-sama, I was just concerned for you, she's a shameless woman-"

"(Y/N) is my woman. If you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me. I would appreciate it if you talked with me about such problems." Takasugi cut her off, his voice was ice cold and stern, making Matako flinch.

"I won't turn a blind eye to what happened just now, but I will turn a blind eye to what you have done so far." Takasugi glared at her. "(Y/N) is my woman, she belongs to me. I love her and nothing will change that. Your pointless concerns are not necessary. Now, go away." He spat out spitefully as Matako ran out of the room with tears in her eyes.

"S-Shinsuke, how did you know about her?" (Y/N) asks with a worried expression as Takasugi hugged her. "When I asked you yesterday, you tucked your hair behind your ear. You always did that when you're lying, ever since we were kids." He says as he put some distance between them.

"But, I think you have something else to say aside from that, hm?" Takasugi smirked at her as she blushed.

"W-Well...You already claimed me as yours, so...I'm gonna claim you as mine too. Because I love you too, Shinsuke!" (Y/N) smiles as Takasugi chuckles lowly before he pressed his lips on her forehead to plant a gentle, soft kiss.

DAMN DAT WAS BAD. Sorry for this one sleepy_and_lazy I promise to make up for it if someone requests something. Yah, So sorry about this. Hope you somehow like it.

Requests still open tho. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ cause all current requests were finished. So please request! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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