Red Strings (Hijikata Toshiro and Sakata Gintoki)

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(Y/N) looked around, she'd been hearing someone calling out to her for a while now. Turning to the alley, she sees a figure whose face was covered up, a hand raised up beckoning her over.

'Who on earth?...' (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows as she neared the figure who seemed to have a crystal ball in hand. "I sense....that fate has something in plan for you." The unknown person spoke with a chilling voice.

"The red string of fate has been connected- but on whose end will you hang on to?"

"What...are you saying??" (Y/N) asked as the person eerily laughs, 'Ugh..I'm getting the creepy vibes. I better stay away.' (Y/N) thinks as she clicks her tongue and prepares to walk away.

"But both men are shy and awkward. This will help you decide and make a decision. See for yourself~" The person slipped a small glass bottle into her hands. Inside it were two small red balls the size of a candy.

"Hey, I'm not buying anything from you! I won't get fooled by your sales talk so take thi-" (Y/N) started but when she turned to the person- they had already disappeared.

"Weird.....That was definitely a creep." (Y/N) shook her head, her eyes falling unto the item left in her care. "Whatever, I'm hungry."She says with a low mumble and continued on her way to her destination to pursue the only thing that brings her happiness: it was food.

"Owner!! My usual one please!!" (Y/N) enthusiastically cheers, raising her hand happily above her head as she sat upon a stool in front of the counter.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan! You're back again today." The owner smiles delightfully at her. "Yup. I felt hungry and knew that this is what I needed!~" She cheekily grins, placing the small bottle she received earlier at the counter top.

"Here you go! One Hijikata Special! One Uji Gintoki Bowl and (Y/N)-chan's favourite!!"

(Y/N) looked to her side to find familiar faces.






"Owner!" The owner called out and the three looked at him. "What? I thought we were calling out our names." The owner shrugs and laughs as he went away.

"Oh....great." (Y/N) face palmed as Gintoki and Hijikata growled at each other like cat and dogs. "Oi, you mayora. Get the hell out of here. Can't you see you're interrupting my date with (Y/N)?" Gintoki smugly remarks, throwing his arm over (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Huh?! You, permhead, should be the one to disappear. Actually (Y/N) and I planned to meet up here! Right, (Y/N)?"

"You two, why do you always fight whenever you meet? You should learn to get along. Here, take this candy I got earlier- share it between you two!" (Y/N) says, as she pointed to the bottle with the two red balls.

She then huffed and started eating her food, ignoring the two who raised a brow at the bottle before placing it in their mouths. "If she says so..." Gintoki sighs, he then narrows his eyes at Hijikata and huffed.

When they did so, they felt something lighting up in their chest. It felt like their hearts were being ignited with an undying flame: The flame of love had been ignited.

'W-What is this?! (Y/N)....looks gorgeous...It makes me want to....want to....MARRY HER!'

Hijikata and Gintoki gulped nervously, taking occasional glances at the (H/C) haired woman from the corner of their eyes and feeling their heart beat faster by doing so.

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