Holding Unto Part 3 (Abuto)

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Abuto sighed shakily as he adjusted the tie on his suit. "Ahahahah!" Kamui laughed from behind him and Abuto frowned.

"This isn't funny, Captain. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day." Abuto stated in a matter of fact tone while Kamui shrugged. "I get that, but you look like a total wimp right now, Abuto." Kamui shrugged nonchalantly, even Kamui was dressed formally in his own suit.

"I just...want everything to go smoothly. This is a special day for her too." Abuto says, as he looked up nervously. "I don't want anything to go wrong today.

"Hmm, well everything's good for me. Have kids earlier! Make me their uncle!" Kamui beamed, as he gave Abuto his infamous closed eye grin. 'With this, that stupid cat will be gone and then I can train Abuto's kids and then fight them when they grow older!' Kamui happily thought to himself.

"W-What nonsense are you spouting, Captain! T-That's way too early!!" Abuto blushed and turned his face away from Kamui. Kamui had made fun of him plenty of times now.

"Say, Abuto. Have you got everything ready? It's almost time now." Kamui exclaimed boredly, as Abuto turned to glance at Kamui over his shoulder. "Yeah, I double checked everything. The rings should be right here, Youpi is going to carry it down the aisl—"

Abuto froze, his mouth dropping as he reached for the ring box, which was supposed to be on the table. "Abuto?" Kamui cocked his head to side when Abuto stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"Captain," Abuto gulped as he turned to Kamui with a sullen expression on his face.

"I'm screwed."

"YOU LOST THE RING?!" Kamui yelled loudly with a very amused expression on his face as he doubled over in laughter. "You screwed up big time, Abuto! Hahahahaha, I can't wait till nee-san finds out you lost the ring when it's almost time for the wedding!"

"This is no time for laughing, Captain!!" Abuto says as he ran his hand through his hair messing it up a bit frantically as he looked around. "The ring was just here earlier! How could it have suddenly disappeared?!"

"Well, don't worry. I'll go tell nee-san to hold the wedding off for a while, I'll make up some kind of excuse. You go look for the ring in the meantime."Kamui instructed as he patted Abuto's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Captain....." Abuto whined, he looked like he was about to cry. "I'm so touched. I was right to pick you as my best man!"

"Oho? You weren't going to pick me?" Kamui's voice suddenly darkened. "Hm, I suddenly feel like telling nee-san you lost the ring and watching her beat you up before the wedding." Kamui emotionlessly says as he turned his back on Abuto.

"NOOOO! Wait, I'm sorry!!" Abuto pleaded, placing a hand on Kamui's shoulder to pull him back. "I don't want to die before my wedding. Please help me, Captain!" Abuto clasped his hands together and bowed his head to Kamui.

"That's good, Abuto!" Kamui laughed happily, "Alright. You go search for the ring and I'll hold off nee-san." Kamui nodded as he walked out.

"Well....Captain might be able to hold (Y/N) off. But I have no idea how the ring disappeared all of a sudden. I'm sure it was here, Youpi was supposed to carry it down the aisle but that cat is nowhere to be fou— Wait!" Abuto gasped, a finger to his chin as he started analyzing and recalling the events in the early morning before the ring was lost.

"......I better check my room." Abuto sighs as he walked out to go check if the ring was in his room somewhere.

Meanwhile, Kamui appeared in (Y/N)'s room. "Oh, Kamui! What are you doing here? It's almost time." (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows worriedly when Kamui walked through the doors

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