Challenges (Okita Sougo)

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"(Y/N)- I have an injur—" Okita cut himself off, the moment he entered the infirmary. She had ran away. Again.

This had been happening quite frequently, whenever Okita showed up she would always find an excuse to go away. He didn't know why she was doing it though.

But not knowing something, will only fuel his desire to know more about it. The more Okita didn't know, the more he got curious.
So, he decided to follow (Y/N) around, and play tricks on her with every chance he could.

Okita spotted her near the fridge, bent down and searching the contents. He smirked as he quietly made his way towards her. When she stood up and turned around. This was when Okita executed his plan.

He smoothly placed a hand right beside her head and trapped her against the wall. He had that trademark smirk on his lips as he stared down at her. (Y/N) seemed stunned for a while before a smirk graced her lips as well as a mischievious glint in her eyes.

Okita furrowed his eyebrows, she wasn't supposed to smirk. Going by all the romance animes and rules of romance, she should be blushing right now. But she didn't. This was when (Y/N) started her own counter attack.

Swiftly, she placed one hand on Okita's collar, pulling him closer to her face. While her other hand placed itself on his shoulder to steady her against him. She then tilted her head, placing her lips right next to his ear. She was dangerously close.

And in that low, sexy voice she had she spoke softly and slowly as if she was intentionally teasing him. "Aren't you a little bit too impatient, Sougo-kun?~ I'm sorry but I am a bit thirsty right now~" with that she blew on his ear making shivers run down his spine.

(Y/N) chuckled softly to herself as she easily freed herself from Okita's hands and went to drink the water she had placed out. After drinking she turned to Okita who was still frozen in place. He had one thing in mind: Did she really just say she was thirsty?

"Oh, Sougo-kun." She shot him a smirk, "Are you perhaps thirsty too?~" She laughed before she went away. Once she was gone, Okita let out a dark and low chuckle. He ran a hand through his hair and he smirked.

"You challenged the wrong person, (Y/N)."

They were all currently eating lunch. Okita sat right in front of (Y/N), who sat next to Yamazaki. (Y/N) and Okita were completely minding their own business, well (Y/N) was. Okita was still bent on getting his revenge on (Y/N) for teasing him.

Okita smirked when he saw (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes glance at him. There he got an idea, he slowly grabbed his cup and messily drank from it. His teasing gaze stuck on (Y/N) as she watched the water flow down from his mouth towards his chest.

He was definitely challenging her now. It was on. Smirking back at Okita, (Y/N) purposely stuck a rice grain on her upper lip. Her (E/C) orbs were stuck in a trance with Okita's red ones as she licked her upper lip with her tongue.

"Oh? Sougo-kun, there's rice on your cheek." Adding more fuel to the fire, (Y/N) leaned forward, stealing the lone rice grain on Okita's cheek she licked it off her finger and smirked. Never once breaking eye contact with Okita.

Okita gaped at her slightly, she seemed smug again. 'Did she win. Again?' Okita thought when (Y/N) suddenly placed her chopsticks down. "I'm done." She smiles as she walked away.

Okita was furious again. This flirty and teasing side of (Y/N) was news to him. Okita smirked lowly once she was gone. "I like a good challenge." He murmured softly as he then placed his chopsticks down and went away.

Meanwhile, Yamazaki who was seated next to (Y/N) was bright red. "C-Captain Okita and (Y/N)-san are wild." He whispered softly, poor Yamazaki was the witness to what just happened.

Okita wanted to know. Why had (Y/N) suddenly gotten all flirty and aggressive all of a sudden? Usually she ran away at the sight of him but now? She even dared to challenge him. In all honesty, in Okita's eyes, (Y/N) was challenging the inner sadistic demon inside of him.

But the truth was— a week ago (Y/N) had gone to Gintoki for advice. She was in love with the sadist captain, but didn't really have the nerve to confess. Thus, Gintoki's advice was to read the erotic and perverted mangas and try to incorporate that in how she interacted with Okita. He said it would 'give her what she needed' so she took his advice.

(Y/N) wouldn't admit it but, she did find the books Gintoki lent her interesting. She wondered why that perverted samurai had a bunch of it but she didn't think too much on it, he is perverted for a reason. That was the actual reason she had been acting so bold. But Okita didn't know about that, atleast not yet.

It was a competition between the two of them. (Y/N) and Okita, loved to tease each other.

"(Y/N)!" Okita yelled as he weakly kicked the door to her room. He raised an eyebrow when he got no response from the (H/C) haired female and thus, decided he should enter her room without her permision

Okita looked around, her room was normal. But something felt out of place. Going with his guts he turned to the bookshelves. It was full of books regarding medicine and journals, but that wasn't just it. Okita pulled out one book and then he saw the hidden book behind it.

Okita smirked as he pulled it out and read the title with an amused expression on his face. "Paradise of Love: Set Your Bodies On Fire?" He chuckled darkly. At the exact same time, (Y/N) appeared with wide eyes.

"Sougo-kun!" Then her eyes caught sight of the book in his hands. "Wait- that isn't mine! It's Gintoki's!" (Y/N) blurted out as Okita smirked and walked towards her.

"Is that so?" Okita spoke lowly, his voice was husky and sexy. (Y/N) gulped, Okita found her hidden stash, curse Gintoki for giving her the worse hiding advice ever. "I didn't know you liked these sort of things, explains why you've been acting so bold lately." Okita was now gazing down at her.

Their bodies dangerous pressed together, there was no distance between them. "How about we try out something new? I like a little challenge, (Y/N)~" Okita smirks before he kissed her

They had a long night ahead of them.

Yah, I really can't do anything that close to lemons or stuff. pastlewhaite I hope it's somewhat close to what you requested for. Hope you like it!~

Requests still open. ♥️♥️♥️

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