Love is.... (Hijikata Toshirou)

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Love comes in all forms, shapes or sizes. There are many different kinds of love in life: familial, friend, or romantic. Hijikata Toshiro was a man who did not know the existence of this so called love. As far as he knew it, he only saw it as something that didn't exist in this world— or for him, at the most.

He lived his life, alone— as far as he remembered. The closest thing he felt to love was when he was with Okita Mitsuba, but now— she was gone. Hijikata thought he'd never be able to love ever again after that deep scar left wedged deep in his heart. But that was when (Y/N) came into his life.

Stumbling upon a small bar near the Shinsengumi, Hijikata came to know the beautiful owner of that bar named (Y/N). A woman with a heart so kind and so pure. It wasn't too long before Hijikata felt that same feeling again. His heart beat quickening just at the mention of her, his heart swelling up with the unknown emotion that brewed in his chest.

It was love. Hijikata felt love again— only this time, stronger than before.

Hijikata woke up to the soft chirping of birds. Turning to his side gently, he saw her— it was the beautiful sight of his girlfriend, (Y/N) smiling at him. "Woke up yet, sleepyhead? I thought the Demon Vice Commander would be the one to wake up everyone at the crack of dawn?" (Y/N) humoured when her (E/C) hues met his tired blue ones.

"I'm not feeling it today. It's my day off." Hijikata grumbled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to snuggle against his body. "I have to open up shop." (Y/N) giggled as she cupped his cheeks and watched his eyes slightly open with an annoyed grunt.

"Don't open today. Stay with me." He spoke again, in that deep, husky voice of his. Hijikata rarely pleaded and he rarely slacked off too. So with a sigh, (Y/N) let her muscles relax against his touch, feeling his warmth against hers.

She was his comfort in the days he was most stressed out. She was everything Hijikata didn't know he needed. She was the love of his life.

"Toshi? Want a drink?" (Y/N) smiled when she spotted her boyfriend walk into her bar. It was time to close up and she was fixing up the last of the things when Hijikata came in with a deep, tired sigh. "Definitely." He slumped against the chair and (Y/N) served him drinks.

Hijikata rarely drank— he wouldn't allow such a thing to soil his reputation as the demonic vice commander so he rarely got himself drunk. But on the days he didn't give a shit, he would. Only (Y/N) could see this side of him. She sighs as she takes a seat beside him.

"So? What happened today?" She asked calmly, placing a hand on his back when she heard him groan lightly. "My head hurts so much." He says as (Y/N) frowns. Hijikata was really tired.

(Y/N) sighs softly as she stood up and hugged Hijikata. She wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned her chin softly against his shoulder. "I'm here. I'm willing to listen, so let it all out, Toshi." She mumbled softly and then she heard Hijikata laugh softly.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing....It's just that— I always wonder how you could do that." He shrugs as she tilted her head giving him a confused look. Hijikata reached out and pinched her nose with a small smile gracing his lips. "...Making me smile when everything is so hard." He softly says as her eyes widened and she froze for a second.

"That's so cheesy, Toshi! You must be drunk, alright! Enough of that!" She clears her throat, scurrying away with an evident blush across her cheeks as she started cleaning up while Hijikata only chuckled and watched her with his steel blue orbs following her every move.

Everything about her was so enchanting in his eyes. Every little thing was enough to make him love her for the rest of his lifetime. Hijikata would never deny that this woman— would be the only woman he would ever love in his whole life.

(Y/N) was a woman who easily found the good in most things. She was very optimistic and cheerful. So when she met the man named Hijikata Toshiro- she just knew that he was capable of getting her wrapped around his finger that easily.

She was absolutely mesmerized by Hijikata. He seemed so perfect in her eyes and she couldn't help but treasure him in any way she could. She was infatuated with the man. They both were— that was why they were both so in love with each other.

Like puzzle pieces, they instantly fit together. Like soulmates, they knew that they were meant for each other. Their love was something that belonged to only the two of them.

But like every other love story. They have their fair share of arguments and disagreements. Usually, it happens on the days both of them were stressed out with their jobs, and it just happens to coincidentally collide with each other.

"What? Toshi, I'm just being considerate to you!" (Y/N) slightly raised her voice, throwing her hands up in disbelief at the man's sudden outburst.

"Well what if I don't want your goddamn consideration?! I've had a bad day, don't even try to make it worst!" Hijikata spat out with a harsh glare, his words piercing her heart like a knife.

"I'm so sorry if you think you're the only one who feels all the world's problems and sadness. Here's some news to you, I'm tired because I work all day too and yet I still find the energy to deal with you because I fucking love you, Toshi!" (Y/N) scowls as she sighed and shut her eyes.

Hijikata went quiet at her words. Feeling everything sinking into his mind. He instantly calmed down and felt guilty for saying such things to her, he reached his hand up to touch her shoulder but she moved away before his finger could make contact with her skin. "I'm sorry...I'm gonna take a shower." Her voice was quivering, he couldn't hide the way her voice broke. She turned on her heel and went to the bathroom door.

"I'm so stupid...." Hijikata grabbed a fistful of his onxy green black hair and grit his teeth as he sat down on her bed. "I'm so so stupid!" Hijikata cursed as he clenched his fist and shut his eyes close.

When (Y/N) finished showering she found her clothes laid out on the bed. She arched an eyebrow because she knew she didn't prepare it beforehand. Then, her eyes travelled over to Hijikata who was asleep on his side of the bed. With a small smile, (Y/N) sighed and got dressed.

"You can never make me too angry at you, Toshi. I love you too much." (Y/N) whispers, placing a soft peck on his forehead before she went to sleep too.

Even when they fight, Hijikata would go through the means to apologize to her in his own special way. (Y/N) just knew— That she would never stop loving this man as long as she lived.

Love is when you never give up on the person you love. Love is when you accept everything about them, the good and the bad sides but still love them with all your heart.


Okay! That was bad! I totally don't know if you'll like this tiff_reads I'm so sorry. You're such a loyal reader too, I'm so sorry for disappointing you. I hope you'll like it. Thanks for always requesting and supporting me u cutie 😭😭 Don't worry, Author-san has dedicated herself to writing so I will continue writing, I'm sorry for worrying anyone though.

Requests still open. ♥️♥️ (The other requests in line will be published accordingly ♥️)

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