Arc 1: Chapter Two

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And the distance could kill us or make us strong.
It ain't right to be apart from you for so long.
And this world is out to get us but
Baby don't be jealous
'Cause I'll come back for you,
Back some day for you.

Natsu enters his house- well his home with a smile on his face. It became a home when him and Lucy moved in together. 

"I'm home!" Natsu announces, expecting to hear Lucy say something back but she didn't. 

Weird. He thinks, before assuming that she was at the guild.

"Well I guess we'll be heading to the guild!" Natsu says to Happy. "Aye sir!" he says as a response. 

They make it to the guild in no time. It wasn't as lively as it was in the day time, but their was still quite a lot of people here. 

"Yo Mira," he says walking towards her. "Have you seen Lucy?" Natsu asks.

Mirajane's eyes widen in response. "Lucy left almost two hours ago..." Mira trails, remembering how Levy had made fun of her on her way out. 

"She wasn't home." Natsu says, a sudden seriousness coming to her voice.

"Do you think she ran into some trouble?" Mira asks. She was getting worried too. If Lucy wasn't home then where else would she be?

"I have to go look for her-"

"Natsu! At least wait until we have a search party!" Mira calls out to him.

Natsu turns around. "I can't, her scent may not be fresh later!" he yells before turning around and running out. He sniffs the air, picking up the vague scent of vanilla and strawberries. He follows it, until it immediately stops in an alleyway.

"Damn it!" he curses, punching the wall, not caring if the onlookers looked or stared, and especially not caring what the hell they had to say.

"Damn it Natsu! You're an idiot to run off like that!" Yells none other than Gray, who looked like he chased him down. "I care about Lucy too," he says honestly.

"She's gone..." Natsu mumbles.

"What?" Gray asks, unable to hear him.

"She's gone," he repeats. "Her scent up and vanished,"

• • • • • • • • • •

Lucy breathes in and out, her hands holding onto the edge of the toilet seat as she vomits out the little breakfast she could keep down.

"You okay in there Queen Lucy?" Kokoro asks. 

Lucy takes a deep breath. "Yeah," she says before standing up. She washes her hands before rinsing out her mouth and brushing her teeth. She exits the bathroom shortly after. 

"And just call me Lucy...calling me Queen is a bit uncomfortable." Kokoro nods at her request.

"How about you go and see our doctor here, Lucy." Kokoro suggests. Lucy nods, agreeing, also noticing the small smile on Kokoro's face. 

She decides to shake that off, and heads to the infirmary, Kokoro following in tow. 

The doctor tests her immediately, and eventually makes her pee in a cup. She was now waiting on the results.

"Well Lucy," the doctor begins as she walks through the door. "You definitely don't have a stomach virus." She tells. Lucy sighs a breath of relief. 

"But, you do have something in your stomach. You're pregnant," she tells her. 

Lucy pauses when she hears those words. She was happy, excited even...but she didn't want this to happen now. Not without Natsu. They were supposed to do this together...but now she would experience all of this child's firsts without him.

"Lucy...are you okay? Did you not want the child?" Kokoro asks. Lucy shakes her head. "No...I wanted a child but...I just didn't expect to do this without my husband." she sighs, before smiling just a bit. "Nonetheless I should be happy." she says.

"I'm assuming this is the other person?" Lucy asks. "Yes. The scroll tells us." Kokoro says.

Lucy nods, a hand going to her stomach.

She needed to not only do this for her friends, but also for her own child. She had to protect them now too.

"Hey Kokoro," Lucy begins, looking up at her.

"Is there any way for to get a message to Natsu and the rest of the guild?"

Double update since this is short!

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