Arc 3: Chapter Five

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Some things just, some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I
Some things just, some things just make sense
And even after all this time

I'm into you
Baby not a day goes by that I'm not into you

"Calm down Storm! Let's think rationally here!" Emma says, trying to calm him down. 

"How the hell am I supposed to think rationally! That bitch took Nashi away!" He says, pacing back and forth.

"And right after she said she liked me..." he trails.

Gale raises a brow. "Woah. You two confessed?" He asks, surprised.

Storm nods and no one decides to pry.

"Well...we should wait till Natsu, Erza, and Gray come back. Even if we go we don't know where she's at." Ryuuji says.

"Er...well actually, I overheard them talking and where they're at isn't far from here." Says Emma.

"What? And you didn't tell me!"

"Because we still have to plan." Emma says, thinking logically.

"We can head out as soon as I contact Rose, Reiki, and Nova." Emma says, pulling out a lacrima.

"What's they say?" Storm asks.

"They'll be here in an hour." Emma says.

"That's too long..." Storm curses.

"Well...if you guys trust us enough, I'll go on ahead with Storm. Just to make sure he doesn't do anything irrational." Gale says.

"Hm...that is a good idea. Gale can keep Storm in line almost as good as Nova and Rosemary." Ryuuji says.

"Yeah, yeah you're right. Fine. And if anything happens, I'm kicking both of your asses." Emma says.

"That's a deal,"

• • • • • • • • • •

Lucy looks around the room, looking for a place to find a way out.

There weren't any videos, and the door was blocked by guards.

"I don't like to see you so sad, Lucy." Haruya speaks. Lucy rolls her eyes. She didn like this dude one bit, and would never let him lay hands on her.

"Since you're ignoring me...maybe I should go back to my first choice which was your daughter, Nashi. She's already a celestial dragon slayer, so having children with her would be easier."

Lucy's eyes widen, and she glares at him.

"If you dare lay a hand on my daughter-"

"I was only joking...or atleast half joking." He smirks.

"Either way, if I wanted too...I could have both of you."

"She's sixteen," Lucy says, rather disgusted. "And I'm supposed to care," Haruya laughs.

"Maybe I should visit her-"

"No!" Lucy yells.

Haruya smirks. "And why not?"

"B-because...I'll let you have me. Just leave Nashi alone!" Lucy says.

"Well Ms. Heartfilia, we have a deal. We'll do it later however," he says, kissing her cheek.

"It's Mrs. Dragneel," Lucy corrects as he leaves, silently praying that he didn't go to her daughter.

• • • • • • • • • •

"So this is the entrance..." Erza mumbles.

"Yeah....I can smell that girl...Koharu or something....with a hint of something else though," Natsu says, sniffing again.

"You gonna be an ass or tell us what you smell?" Gray asks. "I was getting to that!" Natsu yells back before sniffing again.

"It smells like Nashi was here...but I also smell Gale...and your brat." Natsu says.

"Storm's here?" Gray questions, just as they appear.

"I thought we told you kids to stay out of it," Erza questions. "We were...but then Nashi got taken," Gale says.

"Taken?" Natsu questions, suddenly alert. Natsu was about to run and open the door when Erza stopped him.

"Nashi's a smart girl Natsu, she'll be fine. We need to think rationally...there's a reason why this door isn't being guarded."

"She's gotta point flame brain. And we can't do this by ourselves either."

"Nova is getting everyone at the guild ready right now. They want us to go on ahead and try to get Lucy and Nashi out, so let's go," Storm says.

"For once I agree with ya kid!" Natsu says opening the door.

Erza face palms. "Did you not listen to a word I said?" She asks as an alarm goes off.

As soon as it does, what seems like thousands of guards come flooding through.

Erza sighs, pulling out a sword.

"Me and Gray will hold them off. You guys find Lucy and Nashi." Erza says.

Natsu nods and they begin running.

"I'm going to trust you two to find Nashi. You can smell her, right Gale?" Natsu asks the young dragon Slayer who nods.

"Good. Try not to fight if you and get Nashi out as soon as possible." Natsu says.

"I'll protect her with my life," Storm promises as soon as they separate.

Natsu smiles, taking in Lucy's scent.

"I'll be there soon, Luce."

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