Arc 1: Chapter Three

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I'll come back for you,
Back some day for you.
I'd give anything to be with you;
It's so damn true.
It don't feel right to leave you
When I'm all alone in an airport baby.
But I'll come back for you,
Back some day for you.

Kokoro puts her hand to her face in a thinking manner. 

"That's actually a great idea...but currently we're hiding away from the enemy and sending a letter or note via mail could tell them where we're at."

"Well..." Lucy begins. "I assume you can teleport correct?" Lucy asks her. Kokoro nods. "Then what if you teleport and place a note there?"

"That's not a bad idea," Kokoro says before smiling. "Okay then, you begin working on a note and I'll bring it there." 

After that the doctor tells Lucy a bit more. She was currently three months, and she seemed to be right on track with everything.

They make it back to Lucy's room, where she writes up a letter before giving it to Kokoro, who then vanishes. A small smile plays onto her lips as she does as she looks towards her stomach.

Everything will work out for you.

• • • • • • • • • •

Honestly, everyone was tired of Natsu pacing and would've told him to relax, but this was not the time to do so. He had a very good reason to be pacing back and forth. Who wouldn't when their wife was nowhere to be found?

"Anymore leads?" Natsu asks the group, which happened to be made up of Gray, Levy, Gajeel, and Wendy.

"No...I'm sorry...I wish I could do more and help you find Lucy." Wendy says, looking down.

"It's not your fault kid, so don't blame yourself." Gajeel says, putting a hand on her head. Wendy nods, even though she still wasn't that convinved.

"I'm heading home." Natsu tells the guild sadly. No ones seen him this sad, and if they had not for this long.

He exits the guild and heads to his and Lucy's house. It was their home, but could it be considered a home now that he was without her?

"Come back Luce..." he mutters, before his eyes meet a pink envelope that set on the kitchen table that read From Lucy.

Did I overlook that? He thinks before shaking his head. That definitely wasn't there earlier.

He then begins to think, what if this letter was bad news? What if she was breaking up with him? What if she decided being here wasn't making her happy? What if she left with someone else? Another man?

Deciding not to overthink things, Natsu opens the letter. He immediately sniffs it, since it smells like Lucy. 

He unfolds the letter, which reveals her neat handwriting as he begins to read the note.

Dear Natsu,

Please, don't worry about me anymore. I'm completely fine and safe. Also, before you overthink things, I didn't leave you. I'd never do that. I left because...I have some unfinished business somewhere and I'm helping prepare for the biggest war we've had yet. I can't tell you my whereabouts for safety reasons but please, trust be when I say this.

I'll come back to you Natsu. I promise with every fiber in me. A day won't pass by where I won't think about you...and if you somehow move on...then that's fine, but I promise I'll come back. That promise could take years to perform but you have my word. 

I love you Natsu. And I hope you understand.

With much love, Lucy. 

Just by reading the last few words, Natsu began to break down. He was sad, and also mad. Not at her, but at the fact that she was going to be away from him for many years.

Even if she promised to come back...when would that be?

Five years? Ten? Who knows?

That wasn't the only thing. He expected her to move on? How could he move on from her? His life, his only love. She was all he had left other than the guild. 

But he couldn't stay mad. This seemed important, and it had to be for her to just up and leave like this. He also recalls that she mentioned a war, with strong people? Was she taken to help with that? 

Natsu sighs, ruffling his hands through his hair. All he could do right now is think and assume.

He was on edge, but the letter from Lucy calmed him down just a bit. She's okay, and that really matters. For now, he'd train for this upcoming war, and also tell the guild about it.

"I'll be waiting for you to come back, Luce."

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