Arc 2: Chapter Seven *12*

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I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah
I want you to fuck up my nights, yeah
Fuck up my nights, yeah, all of my nights, yeah
I want you to bring it all on
If you make it all wrong, then I'll make it all right, yeah
I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life

When Nashi awoke, she was surprised to see Storm hovering over her.

"W-what're you doing?" she asks, slightly scared and slightly curious.

"Wanted to be the first one you saw, just to tell you that you get hurt alot." He says, remembering the first time they met, and now.

"It's only been two days and you're already back in the infirmary." He adds.

Nashi sits up a bit, feeling a bit of pain in her back. "She took me by surprise is all...and when I'm angry I can't control my powers. I was thinking too much about that which made my focus off."

"It won't happen again," she adds, clenching her fist.

"That's great to know," speaks up a new voice.

Both her and Storm look toward the doorway to reveal Natsu.

"I'll be taking my leave." He says, mouthing the words "Have fun" to Nashi as he left. Nashi silently wished for the first time ever that he'd come back.

"I'll should head out for awhile too. I do have bartending to do," Mirajane waves.

Leaving them both alone.

"You're pretty strong," he tells her, sitting in the chair Storm was sitting in just seconds ago.

"T-thanks..." Nashi blushes, embarrassed that she couldn't talk to him so easily. He was her father.

" new to our guild or something?" Natsu asks, starting the conversation.

He needed to get to the real topic at hand, which is why she looked so much like Lucy. Not only that, she smelt like her too. With a hint of firewood, which he guessed came from her magic.

"Uhm...yeah. Storm brought me here a couple of days ago." She says, getting shyer by the minute.

Natsu notices this, which pries him even more.

"Do you like it so far?" He decides to ask. He needed to get somewhere.

Nashi nods. "Yeah. It's nice. And so are the people." She says, fiddling with her hands.

"Is your family near? You seem pretty young. Maybe sixteen."

Nashi nervously laughs, her hands sweating just a bit. She moves a strand of her hair to the side.

"Yeah...I do. I miss my mom actually. And my dad." She speaks, the last part slipping out.

"Did you run away without telling them or something?" Natsu asks, laughing just a bit.

Just thinking about it left Nashi on the brink of tears. She didn't want to keep imagining her mother being taken.

Was she even alive right now? That thought alone pained her.

"N-no." She says, finding herself stuttering.

"Then where are they? They just let you leave like that-"

"No. They didn't. My mom...I don't have a clue where the hell she's at...she could be dead for all I know. And my dad..." she trails off crying.

"He's right here in front of me." She sobs.

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