Arc 2: Chapter One *6*

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I miss you pushing me close to the edge
I miss you
I wish I knew what I had when I left
I miss you

Nashi jumps at the voice, and turns around quickly. She looks up, and that's when she sees him.

It was a boy. He looked around her age, maybe older. He had dark blue hair and blue eyes, he also wore a single cross earring. 

When their eyes met, time seemed to stop almost completely. 

"I'm...fine..." she answers is question, looking away. 

The boy however, sits down beside her. "I'm sure crying doesn't signify you being okay." He says, sitting down beside her. 

Nashi eyes him suspiciously. Despite being sheltered her whole life, she knew people just didn't care for someone they just met. He had to want something from her.

"What's your reasoning? What're you doing this for?" She asks.

"I was actually trying to be nice. Y'know, with this war going on I had thought maybe you're family had been killed or something-"

"The war? How do you know about it?" Nashi asks.

He looks at her confused. "What do you mean? We've been at war for almost a year now. You sound like sheltered princess who isn't from here."

Nashi bites her lip. Technically, I am. She thinks before shaking her head.

"Anyway," Nashi stands up, deciding that she's talked to this stranger long enough. "I should be going now-" but she stops, suddenly feeling too weak to move. He catches her, suddenly looking her over.

"You're nowhere near okay! Look at that wound!" he says.

Nashi tilts her head down, and that's when she realizes that there was a huge gash in her leg. 

It must've happened when I was with mom...She thinks as her eyes begin to get heavy, and that's when all she saw was darkness. 

When Nashi wakes up, she was confused. 

Where am I? She asks herself, and that's when all her previous memories come flooding back. The people breaking in, her mother, that weird handsome boy that was talking about the war. 

She definitely wasn't in the Dragon and Celestial realm anymore.

"Oh, you're awake." says a voice. Nashi looks up and the second unfamiliar face for the day. This women had white hair and blue eyes.

"Wendy here fixed up your wound awhile ago and we were waiting for you to wake up." She speaks. Nashi turns toward the other girl, whose name was Wendy. "I- uhm...thank you," Nashi speaks softly, suddenly feeling shy.

"No problem. You're lucky Storm brought you here." Wendy says, pointing over to the same boy she saw earlier. He looked bored, but he sent a wave over to Nashi. 

So the boy I meant earlier is named Storm? She thinks.

"Oops, sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Mirajane Dreyar but you can call me Mira. Right now you're at our guild...which is currently underground thanks to the war." Mira speaks.

There they go mentioning the war again...I though it wasn't supposed to happen till next year? 

She thinksThat's when she notices the emblem on Wendy's shoulder, remembering seeing that same one on her mother's hand countless of times.

Nashi didn't know what type of crazy luck this was, but she knew she brought to her mother's guild before she became queen, Fairy Tail. Despite it being years ago, she still remembered the stories she would tell her.

"So where are you from? With that type of wound you must've been fighting somewhere." Mira says.

Nashi breathes in deeply. She knew she could trust this place, her mother had trusted it once before. 

"I was being a bit rude before...sorry, I just didn't know if I could trust you all." She speaks up.

"My name is Nashi Dragneel, Princess of the Celestial and Dragon Realm, and I could use a bit of help from you all."

This chapter is kinda short sooooo double update!!

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