Arc 2: Chapter Two *7*

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You set fire to my world, couldn't handle the heat
Now I'm sleeping alone and I'm starting to freeze
Baby, come bring me hell
Let it rain over me
Baby, come back to me

Wendy and Mirajane were shocked. The princess part was half of it but the other part was that her last name was Dragneel.

They both knew when Storm had carried her in that she looked a lot like Lucy. And her pink hair that matched Natsu's didn't help either. But they all knew that Lucy hadn't been back in years, and the possibility of them having a child was low.

Maybe she was his sister? A long lost relative?

"My mother told me his name is Natsu. Do you have a Natsu in your guild?" 

"Yes but-"

"Then allow me to speak to him at once! I know he'll help me save my mother!" Nashi interrupts her. 

"He's actually away on a mission right now...but we can also help. You just need to slow down and explain everything to us." Mira says, speaking softly and kindly.

Nashi nods. They were right. She was going a bit too fast, and she wasn't even able to explain what had happened...or atleast what little Lucy had told her.

"It'll be better for the whole guild to hear," Nashi decides. Mira nods, giving her a small smile. "Well then follow may take awhile to calm them down though," Mira says.

Nashi stands up, which results to her falling down immediately. 

"I'll help her," Storm speaks up, going to Nashi's side and helping her stand, supporting her side. 

She had almost forgot that he was here.

They step out of the infirmary, to reveal a very loud guild. People were yelling and fighting, some laughing and some just eating and talking. She couldn't deny that it looked like a pretty fun place. 

"Oh? She's awake?" says a new voice. Nashi looks at her for a split second, and in that time she's able to tell that she has blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Nova sweetheart, can you get the guild to calm down?" Mira asks her.

Nova nods. "I gotcha mom," she says before standing up on the platform. 

"Hey assholes! Shut the hell up my mom has something to say!" She yells, immediately silencing the guild.

"She's the total opposite from her mother..." Nashi mumbles. Storm laughs a bit from next to her. "Yeah...but when it comes to shipping their totally alike." He says.

Shipping...? Nashi thinks, confused, but she decides to ignore that.

"As you all can see, the girl Storm rescued is safe and sound. She also has something she'd like to tell you all." Mira says.

Storm helps Nashi onto the platfrom and she swallows the lump in her throat.

She was surrounded by strangers. Being nervous was an understatement. But despite that, she needed to let them know. She had made announcements at events and partys held in the celestial and dragon realm, this wouldn't be the first time.

Nashi breathes. "My name is Nashi Dragneel," she starts out. The guild breaks out in mumbles and whispers, but she continues.

"I'm a Princess from the Celestial and Dragon realm, which to you, might not exist but it very much does. You all are probably wondering about my last name..." she trails. 

"My mother's name was Lucy, and she left here to become Queen of the Dragon and Celestial realm a few years ago. I honestly don't know the whole story but, when she left, she was pregnant with me, which resulted to me living and growing up there." she speaks.

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