Arc 2: Chapter Nine *14*

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I miss you, I miss you
I wish you, I wish you
Would come back, would come back to me
Come back to me, come back to me

Storm looks over to Nashi, who was happily chatting with Emma and Rosemary.

Ever since that day, with Princess Yua, he hasn't been able to look at her the same.

Sure, he had only known her for a month at tops, but still, his heart would race, and he would get butterflies inside. He also found the erge to tease her, and call her princess...

...because that was what she was.

And it was by no means a insult.

She was gorgeous and classy, but at the same time, she was able to let lose on her temper and get embarrassed.

Her liked all those factors about her, enjoyed pushing every button of hers to get a reaction that he wanted.

When she'd smile and talk to him as if he didn't just make fun of her, and when she'd blush at him calling her princess...

It all made him so happy and peachy inside that he didn't know what to call this feeling.

It couldn't be love...

It was far too early. He knew her, but he didn't know her...

...but a crush or a liking...?

That was definitely a better way to phrase it.

"You've been staring at Nashi for quiet awhile Storm." Nova comments. He jumps, weired out by the fact that he didn't notice her sitting here.

"When did you get here?" He asks.

"Almost ten minutes ago. Wanted to see how long this would last till I got bored and decided to tease you."

Storm blushes, but quickly regains his composure. This wasn't like him.

"Tease me? About what?"

"About your crush. Anyone can tell that you like her!" She says, just as Happy does.

Storm shakes his head. "No way. I don't even know her."

Nova shrugs. "Sure you don't. But soon enough your gonna find yourself wanting to know everything about her." She says before standing up.

"Anyway....I need to go talk to Gale about how he feels for Rosemary, see ya!" Nova waves.

Storm groans, knowing that this right here was Nova's true strong point.

Getting people who couldn't realize their feelings for eachother together.

"Hey," says a new voice, sitting down beside him.

"Why're you here?"

Nashi decides to ignore his rude remark. "Because Nova is over there talking to Rose and Emma about ships and it was too overwhelming for me." Nashi says with a sigh.

She's right...her mom is gone. She isn't thinking about liking anyone from here. And she isn't thinking about a relationship.

"Anyway, Nova wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come to a sleepover their having tonight. I told her I've never had one and she totally freaked out," Nashi says with a laugh.

"You seriously haven't ever had friends?" Storm's asks.

Nashi, who was now embarrassed, blushes, which makes his heart skipped a beat. She looked cute embarrassed.

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