Arc 3: Chapter Three

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Recount the night that I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
You felt the weight of the world fall off the shoulder
And to your favorite song we sang along, to the start of forever
And after all this time
I'm still into you

"Stay safe, okay Nash? No trouble you here me. We should be back in a day or two."

Nashi nods. "I know. Search hard for mom." Nashi says hugging him, and with that, they were gone.

Even Kokoro was going with them.

"So...we have the castle all to ourselves! I say we play a big game of hide and seek!"

"Aren't you 18...?" Ryuuji questions his older sister.

"Yeah and I thought we were done with hide and seek..." trials Gale.

"Fine." Nova pouts.

"What're you going to do Nashi?" Emma asks her.

"Probably try and sleep..." Nashi says since shes been pretty busy. Even though, she doubts that she'll get any sleep without her father here.

"My mom wants me to visit since she hasn't seen me in so I'm heading down the human realm or whatever the hell you guys call it." Nova says.

"I'll come dads probably back at fairy tail by now and is worried about mom." Reiki says before turning to his younger sister. "You coming with?" He asks.

"Yeah. I haven't seen dad in a while." Rose says.

"What about you, Ryuu?" Nova asks him. "Nah...I'd rather not see mom right now." He shudders.

After saying their goodbyes, it was basically nighttime, and after having dinner they all went to their separate rooms.

Here came the hard part for Nashi: sleeping.

She started out by reading. It usually always made her sleep. Knowing that wasn't working, she started to write, working on her own story. That also didn't work.

She looks at the time, surprised to see that it was already 1 in the morning.

She turns off her light and gets into bed, closing her eyes and eventually drifting off to sleep.

Almost two hours later, shes awakened by the same bad dream. She's panting heavily, and fear is shone through her eyes.

She stands up, ready to go to her father's room, when she remembered that he wasn't here.

At that realization, she begins to cry.

Not just because of that, but because she was holding everything in for awhile.

She's never knock her father because he was doing great, but the one true person who understood her was her mother and she missed her.

She couldn't talk to her through all of this, and that was the part that hurt her most.

A knock at the door interrupts her, and Nashi quickly wipes away her tears before opening the door.

"You okay?" Says the voice of none other than Storm.

Nashi forces a smile. "Of course I am-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, you were crying. I could hear you." He says, reminding her that next time she should be quieter.

She didn't need everyone waking up, worrying over her. They were already doing so much.

"No need to worry Storm. I just fell out of bed and hurt myself. I'm fine now. You should head back to sleep-"

Storm grabs her arm. "Nashi don't lie to me. I'm really worried about you right now." He says, looking her in her eyes.

"T-there's nothing to be worried about..." Nashi says looking away.

"Can you please just talk to me Nash!" He asks her.

Nashi sighs, knowing how stubborn he was.

"It was a bad dream is all...and I got all emotional thinking about my mother and started crying..." she says, not realizing she was crying again until Storm pulls her into a hug.

"You can keep going," he tells her softly.

Nashi nods, crying even more. "I-I think it's because I miss her so much. I miss talking to her, confiding in her...she use to help me with all my problems..."

"I won't ever try to replace you're mother Nashi, but just know, that I'll be here for you whenever you want me to. To talk, to cry, for anything." He says, hugging her even tighter.

And here and now, she's reminded about her feelings.

"Well...then can we talk about something else?" Nashi asks.

"About what?" He asks.

"About you teasing me...I don't like it." She starts.

"Everytime you call me Princess, or hug me, or say such sweet words, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach increase. You need to stop, Storm." She says, rather seriously.

"I didn't mean any harm...its just fun to tease you," he smiles.

Nashi groans, knowing he wasn't taking her seriously.

"Well you can't play with my feelings like that! Especially since I like you!"

A/N: this cliff hanger is a bit illegal, I know that so I'll double update.
3 chapters until the end!

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