Arc 1: Chapter Five

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I'll come back for you.
Back some day for you.
And while I'm away,
My heart will stay right here with you.
And I just can't wait
'Til I'm on my way to LAX now baby.
I'll be back with you.
Right here back with you.
I'll be back with you.
Right here back with you.

They head inside the room, where they see Anna, who was on the ground, followed by two people with masks on.

"Open! Gate of the lion! Leo!" Lucy yells, immediately knowing that these people were bad news. Nashi also lights up her fist, following her mothers lead.

"Care to explain to me what's going on here?" Lucy asks the two people as she transforms into her star dress form of Leo.

"Lucy, their the enemy. The powerful ones." Anna says.

Lucy had no time to be scared. If they were able to get Anna on the floor they had to be pretty strong.

"Let's take care of them together then," Lucy says to Loke, who nods.

Nashi takes this as the time to run to Anna's side, helping her up.

"You okay?" Nashi asks.

"Could be better..." Anna says honestly.

"Your wound is pretty deep." Nashi notes, tearing off a piece of her dress to wrap her wound.

"Thank you, Nashi." Anna says, sitting up a bit so she could see their fight.

"Sorry I'm late! These sick bastards tricked me!" Kokoro says entering the room.

"You good Anna?" Kokoro asks, noticing how beat up she was.

"I'm fine I'm fine. Nashi is helping me. You help Lucy." She says. Kokoro nods, immediately going to her side.

"I wanna fight too-"

"Don't be so reckless. Just watch. They should be able to handle them." Anna says, making her pout.

This all seemed to weird for her. If this was the enemy, the darkness that was going to start the war, then that means that they had people working from the inside. And if Nashi was correct, then they've kept the same people around here since she was born.

If that's the case, then the maids, butlers, and guards haven't changed for Sixteen years which means that they've been spying on them for that long.

They know everything.

Nashi exits her thoughts, and looks towards her mother and Kokoro.

They seemed to be doing a good job, and they were winning, all until a huge explosion happened.

It destroyed the room, and that's when they saw it, thousands of other troops.

Everyone seemed just as surprised as Nashi.

"There's too many..." Nashi mumbles aloud. "Damn right...Lucy shouldn't we ready the other soldiers-"

"Yes...but it's still too many...." Lucy says, about to speak again when a spear comes flying, piercing her stomach.

Lucy falls to the ground, and in that moment, Nashi drops to her knees, going to her mothers side.

"M-mom..." she says, her eyes starting to water up.

Lucy smiles however. "Hey, hey. Don't cry, I'm not dead." She says, stroking her daughters hair back before turning to Kokoro.

"I need a favor." Lucy says, a serious tone coming to her voice.

"Take Nashi, and teleport her far away from here." Shs tells her.

"But Lucy-"

"That's an order, Kokoro." Lucy interrupts.

"What! Mom no! I'm not leaving you! I can fight too!"

"I know you can Nash...but you have to go. If I know anything, your the most one capable of stopping this war."

Nashi grabs ahold of her mothers hand. "Yeah but I won't do it without you! I c-can't do it without you! The scroll says so!"

"This will not be our last meeting....this is just it for now. I love you, Nash." Lucy says before looking over to Kokoro and nodding.

Kokoro grabs ahold of Nashi's hand, teleporting her far away from there.

Almost an instant later, their in a different surrounding.

"Nashi. I want you to stay here. Don't leave this place, you got it?" Kokoro tells her. "I'm going to go back there and help Lucy and Anna." She says before disappearing.

Nashi drops to her knees. For the first time ever she was outside, but she was too sad that she couldn't even take in her surroundings.

She couldn't do anything. All she did was stand there and a child, a baby.

A few tears fall down her face at the thought, until she's straight up bawling.

That's when someone taps her shoulder, causing her to look up just a bit.

"Hey, you okay?"

End of Arc 1

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