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~6 Months Later~

Lucy looks herself over in the mirror, admiring how pretty she looked in her wedding dress.

Sure her and Natsu had gotten married. But that was almost 18 years ago. They had hardly got to enjoy it.

Today, they were renewing their vows. They had also decided to have a big wedding ceremony.

"You look gorgous, mom." Nashi says.

Her dress was the same as last time. A simple white dress with beads and a mermaid neckline.

"Atleast your not as scared as you were back then," Levy laughs, remembering how bad she was freaking out

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"Atleast your not as scared as you were back then," Levy laughs, remembering how bad she was freaking out.

"The second time is easier." Lucy laughs, remembering herself.

"This'll be you in a few years, Nashi." Lucy tells her daughter.

"Yeah, her and Storm~!" Mira sings making her blush.

"It'll Nova and Ryuuji before us." She says.

"Don't remind me...she's growing up so fast." Mira sighs.

"I should probably go and check on dad. Wonder if he's as calm as you." Nashi waves, exiting the room.

"Who is it?" Nashi can hear Gray yell as soon as she knocks. "Nashi." She calls. The door opens a second later.

"Where's dad...?" Nashi questions, not seeing him.

"Totally freaking out," Gray says while laughing.

Nashi sighs, going over to where he was sitting.

"What're you scared about?" Nashi asks him. Natsu sighs, confiding in his daughter.

"It's just...what if Lucy doesn't like me...?"

Nashi scoffs, laughing along with Gray. "No need to worry. She could've easily moved on after sixteen years yet she's still here. You did something right, dad."

"Nashi's right Natsu, so get yourself together." Gray says.

Natsu breathes in. "Right..." he says before looking over his daughter.

"You look pretty, Nashi." Natsu says.

She was in a light pink dress that was beaded into flowers.

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