Arc 3: Chapter Four

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I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you
And even baby our worst nights
I'm into you, I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you

Storm gulps at her confession.

" me?" Storm asks.

"How could I not!" Nashi says, pacing a bit.

"You're too perfect...nice hair, nice smile, nice body. And your so easy to talk to! Except when you take things too far...but still, when you take it to far I always end blushing and having these weird emotions!"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Storm says, grabbing her shoulders to stop her from pacing.

"You like me?" He asks.

"I've already said it twice," Nashi looks away.

"Well say it again," Storm smirks.

Nashi blushes even more. "Er...well I uhm, I like you Storm."

Storm smiles happily at this.

"Nashi likes me..." he says.

"Nashi likes me!" He says, this time even louder.

"Do me?" Nashi asks, a bit nervous.

"Of course!" He says, and that was all Nashi needed to hear before she stood on her tip toes and pushed him close to her, kissing him on the lips.

It was a simple kiss, lasted more than ten seconds and they were both panting when they were done.

"Let's..." Nashi trails, a blushing mess at this point. "Let's do it again," she says.

This time Storm takes the lead, wrapping his hands around her waist. Nashi stands on her tip toes again, wrapping her arms around Storm's neck as they kiss.

This time, the kiss was much slower, as they both pressed closer to eachother to feel those sparks.

They pull apart again, this time panting even more.

"Oh, how sweet is young love." Says a voice.

They both look around, to reveal a women.

"She's the one that took my mother..." Nashi trails, anger taking over her.

"Yes, how intuitive you are my dear. And now I shall be taking you." Koharu says.

"Over my dead body." Storm says, standing in front of Nashi.

"Oh? You'd like that?" She asks before striking an attack.

Both Storm and Nashi dodge, heading out into the hallway since Nashi's room was a bit small.

"Nashi dear, don't you want to see your mother again?" Koharu asks.

"I already set off the bombs in the underground chamber." She says. Nashi looks at her surprised.

"How'd you know about that?" Nashi exclaims. Koharu laughs. "Intel. Anyway, I won't have my men set them off if you peacefully come with me. I also won't kill your little boyfriend here."

Nashi looks over to Storm.

"Don't be an idiot and go Nash! She could be lying!"

"And what if she's not? You all will die."

"We'll find a way. Fairy tail always finds a way."

"Storm, I can't risk it." Nashi says before turning to Haruya. "I'll go."

She smirks. "Good girl," she says, grabbing ahold of Nashi as soon as she comes to her.

"I suppose I'll see you during the war," Koharu speaks to Storm before licking her lips. "You're awfully strong and I can't wait to fight you," she smirks before disappearing with Nashi.

Koharu arrives in front of a cell, opening it and dropping Nashi into it.

"Nashi!" Lucy yells, running to her daughters side.

"Hey mom..." Nashi trails, knowing the yelling was coming soon.

"How'd you get caught!" Lucy yells.

"I had too...if not they would've blew up the castle...and I couldn't let Storm and everyone else get hurt or worse, die."

"And where's your father?" Lucy asks, silently hoping he also wasn't caught.

"Dads out looking for you..." Nashi says. Lucy breathes a breath of relief before hugging her baby girl.

"Well I'm just glad you're okay." She says kissing her forhead.

"Anna, you're fine too, right?" Nashi asks her. Anna smiles and nods. "Of course, Nashi."

"Oh what a sweet family reunion." Says a new voice.

"I'm guessing you're the one behind everything?"

"Oh, your such a smart girl. Yes. I'm Haruya." He smirks.

"Anyway, change of plans. Koharu, take them out of the cell. No need for it anymore since we all plan to become family."

"Family?" Lucy questions.

Haruya smiles. "Yes. I've taken a liking to you Lucy, and our plan will move faster if we become married."

"M-married? But Haruya we're already together!" Koharu says.

"Yes I'll be considered my first wife. Lucy here, will be considered my first wife and Nashi will be my daughter."

"You're a lunatic. Like I'd ever agree to becoming your wife!" Lucy says.

"Sorry, but you have no choice."

"Haruya! How will this make our plan go by faster?" Koharu asks.

"Well...I'm a fire dragon Slayer aswell...if I impregnate Lucy here, then she'll end up having another Celestial Fire Dragon Slayer. That kid will be my war weapon."

"But Haruya-"

"Look. I'm the boss here. If you don't like it, then leave." Haruya says, taking them out of the cell.

"Now, let's go and have some fun, Lucy."

A/N: The last 2 chapters are coming this Friday!!
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