Arc 2: Chapter Three *8*

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I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah
I want you to fuck up my nights, yeah
Fuck up my nights, yeah, all of my nights, yeah
I want you to bring it all on
If you make it all wrong, then I'll make it all right, yeah
I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life

"You two won't be fighting at all." Nova says, crossing her arms.

Storm glares at her. "Why not?"

"Clearly she's hurt you ass!" She says, hitting his head. 

"I'll be fine," Nashi waves it off.

"A few minutes ago you couldn't even walk without Storm's help," Ryuuji notes.

Nashi smiles, standing up. It hurt a bit...

...well alot. But she wanted to fight him and test not only his strength, but her own.

"I'm fine. I promise." Nashi says.

Nova however isn't convinced. "Nova-"

"Relax a little will you. Nashi's standing up just fine. You're just mad that you didn't ask her to fight before Storm." Says Rosemary, joining the conversation. "Plus, this'll be a good way to see what she's made of. Go out there and give Storm a run for his money! I have faith in you Nashi!" Rosemary says, giving her a thumbs up. 

Nashi nods and follows Storm to the back of the guild, where they had a place that was mostly used for training and sparring. 

"Any rules?" Nashi asks, stretching a bit.

Storm shakes his head. "Anything goes," he says with a smile.

Nashi nods, and also tears her dress a bit so that it was above her knee. Any other time she would've dressed in either some shorts or a skirt, with shorts underneath it, but she didn't exactly have a change of clothes at this moment. 

She makes sure it's not too short, especially since it wasn't just them. It looked like the whole guild was here. Apparently everyone wanted to see their little battle.

"Now, if things get too out of hand, I'll be stopping-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it Nova!" Storm says, stretching his arms.

"Okay. Three, two, one." 

As soon as she said one, the two seemed to move lightning quick. Storm started with a punch filled with ice and Nashi had one filled with fire. Both of their attacks cancel out, and they fall back just a bit.

"Woah, that's not any normal flames. There nothing like salamander's." Gajeel says from the sidelines, followed by a laugh.

"You're right about that...they also seem a bit hotter than Natsu's." Erza notes, a smile coming onto her own face. 

"Not only that...there's tiny little stars in her fire. They remind me of Lucy," Levy says. Gajeel wraps an arm around her, knowing how much she missed her friend.

"Everything about her does." Mira says with a sigh, joining their conversation. 

"You're causing quite an uproar." Storm says, a smirk coming onto his face. 

"What can I say, everyone knows I'm about to kick your ass." Nashi says, deciding to do some smack talk aswell.

"Such strong words for a princess." He says, using his ice make magic to make a hammer. 

Nashi melts the hammer, before dodging his kick and punch at her before landing one right in his stomach. Storm falls back, coughing just a bit, and Nashi can't deny the smile that arrives in her face.

"Looks like I should get serious," he says. In that moment he activates his devil slaying magic, black marks appearing all over his body.

Nashi's smile doesn't cease. "Then I should too! Open, gate of the lion! Leo!" she announces.

"Woah, you see that? She's not using any keys!" Levy exclaims, in pure shock. Everyone else was pretty surprised too.

"You called, princess?" Loke asks, making Nashi roll her eyes. 

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? And didn't mom tell you to stop flirting with me? That's kinda pedophilia." Nashi shudders. 

"You'll be eighteen soon, but anyway, want me to take care of him?" Loke asks. Nashi nods. "Don't rough him up that bad kay?" Leo nods, and goes onto handling Storm.

Nashi decided not to power up into a stardress form. She didn't want to waste all of her magic power right now. Not only that, her leg was hurting pretty bad now.

After getting completely frozen by Storm, Loke left, leaving her alone to deal with him. She didn't bother calling another spirit. If he couldn't handle him then no other spirit could either.

Nashi does a celestial fire dragon roar, which ends up hitting him. It drew him back a bit, but it didn't quite stop him.

Storm pushes forward, and uses his ice to cage around her. Nashi knew she couldn't melt the type of ice he was using now, so instead she jumps out of it, kicking him the face.

Unluckily she ended up kicking him with her bad leg. 

She falls back almost immediately, biting her lip to stop herself from crying out.

Instead she goes in for a punch, but instead of hitting her back Storm grabs her arm, pushing her to the floor. 

He got burnt by her flames, Nashi could tell that by how winced, but both were on the ground.

And Nashi's face seemed to flush when she realized that he was on top of her.

"You hurt you leg, didn't you?" he asked her breath hot on her face, which made her blush even more.

"H-how'd you know?" she asks, trying to find her words. 

Storm laughs, climbing off of her. 

"You bit your lip pretty hard. Plus when you fell back you put all your weight into your other leg." 

So he's smart. Nashi notes.

Storm helps her up, supporting like he had done earlier that day.

"So your leg wasn't healed!" Nova yells. Nashi winces back at how loud she was. "Sorry..." she trails.

"It seems like Nashi is just as reckless as Natsu." Wendy comments, going to heal her.

Nashi smiles, remembering those words coming from her mother once. 

"Woah this is my first time seeing you smile princess," Storm says

Nashi glares at Storm. "Don't you dare start. It's Nashi...I hate being called a princess."

"How can you hate what you are?" Storm asks.

"Ignore him Nashi." Rosemary says. "Also, good job. You fought pretty good for having a hurt leg." she comments before looking towards her friends. 

"Hey Nashi, I gotta question." Erza says, coming up to her, a few of the other guild members in tow.

"Hm?" Nashi hums.

"How were you able to summon a spirit without a gate key?"

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