Arc 2: Chapter Eight *13*

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I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah
I want you to fuck up my nights, yeah
Fuck up my nights, yeah, all of my nights, yeah
I want you to bring it all on
If you make it all wrong, then I'll make it all right, yeah
I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life

Lucy's eyes flutter open and she looks around the room.

This defiantly was not the dragon and Celestial was far to unpleasant to be.

She was in a rusted cell that seemed it could fall apart any minute now. Not only that, her hands were cuffed with what seemed to be magic infused handcuffs.

But what seemed to shock her the most, was that the wound where the spear had pierced through her, was nowhere to be found. Not even a scar left.

"Ah, so sleeping beauty finally awakes. It's been a long week." Someone speaks.

Lucy looks up, to reveal a man with long grey hair, and also a long beard. He wasn't old, but seemed to be maybe in his late thirties.

"So what's your plan? What do you gain from capturing me?"

He shrugs. "Nothing really...except the insurance of your daughter ending up in our hands."

Lucy glares at him. "Bold of you to assume that she will. Nashi is smart." She says cofidently....although she was far from that.

I don't even know where Nashi is... Lucy thinks.

He laughs. "And yet, when Koharu saw her today, she nearly lost her anger and attacked her just by the mention of your name." He laughs.

He saw her? Lucy thinks, her fears coming true.

"Don't worry. We haven't captured her just yet. We'll let her enjoy her moments as a fairy tail wizard."

This seemed to shock Lucy even more. Nashi joined fairy tail...she thinks, which brought her worries to ease.

"That was a bad decision," Lucy says.

He looks at her. "And why's that?"

Lucy smiles. "Because her father has a much bigger anger than her, and if you lay a single hand on her, he'll burn you to a crisp."

He doesn't look frightened, and instead smiles. "This seems like fun then." He smirks, about to turn and leave when he decided to atleast let her know this.

"My name is Haruya. Just wanted to let you know the name of the man who started this war in the first place." He says before walking away.

Lucy sits back, happy that he was gone. He had a dark presence about him that scared her.

But she wasn't as worried as before.

Nashi was a smart girl. She knew her father was apart of that guild, and she knew that she'd ask for her help, which not only guaranteed certain victory but also her daughters safety.

They'd take good care of her....

And she's get to come back to Natsu.

• • • • • • • • • •

Natsu smiles, listening to his daughter talk about her life with Lucy before coming here.

She was everything he had wanted and more, and reminded him of Lucy in so many ways. She loved to read and write, and she seemed to hate being teased. She also smelt just like her, just a hint of firewood. Not only that, her chocolate brown eyes would brighten just like hers at the sound of anything that made her happy, and her smile seemed to remove any sad thoughts he was going through.

I'm lucky. He thinks, a smile on his face. Happy that even with the current circumstances that he had a child. A daughter nonetheless.

Only two weeks had passed since he found out and he was already attached, and who could blame him? He had wanted this for a very long time.

"Dad? Are you listening?" She asks, her smile seeming to fade into a frown.

Natsu grins. "Of course I am. Continue."

Nashi nods, continuing her story.

"When mom had found out that I practically ruined her room back at the castle, she was livid. Nothing could be replaced since it was burned to a crisp and she yelled at me her hardest. She was mad at me for almost a month, but she couldn't blame me really since I didn't even know how to control my magic!" Nashi says, followed by her laughter.

Her laughter, that could make him laugh himself.

"I gotta question Nashi. How did you learn you dragon Slayer magic?" He asks.

He seen her magic as a gift. Something that was so extraordinary.

He thought of it as that even before he knew she was his daughter. Back when her and Storm had fought Fuyuki he had remembered how pretty it was.

"It was Kokoro. Believe it or not she's also a fire dragon slayer." Nashi says.

"Anyway, enough about me. I want to hear about you and moms old stories. She told me a few, but I wanna hear more!" She says.

Natsu nods, trying to remember a good one when it came to him.

"Did she ever tell you about the first time we met?" He asks.

Nashi ponders on it before shaking her head no.

"Well, I had just broken a love spell some crazy guy placed over you're mother. She had took me out to eat as a thank you, and told me about how she really wanted to join the guild fairy tail. I honestly ignored her..." Natsu says, followed by a soft laugh as he remembers.

We met again on a ship where I had saved her, grabbing her hand and taking her to the guild. That's where our adventure had started." Natsu says, a fond smile playing on his lips.

Nashi also smiles.

"Tell me another," she says.

"You sure Nash? There's alot." He says, before noticing that she began to tear up.

"Hey you okay?" He asks, immediately worried.

"I'm good..." she says wiping away her tears. "It's just used to call me Nash is all." She recalls.

"You can call me it to!" She adds. "It just brings back memories."

Natsu wraps his arms around her, letting her crying into his chest.

"I promise you Nashi, we'll get Lucy back." He tells her softly but seriously.

"Thank you," she thanks him but Natsu grins. "No need to thank me. I wanna help. I love Lucy too you know," he says.

"Now do you still wanna hear about our adventures?" He asks.

Nashi wipes her last tear.


Enjoyed writing this chapter...double update cos I'm happy :)

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