Arc 1: Chapter Four

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And you need to know
That I ain't gonna go
And leave you for someone new.
I'll come back for you.
Back some day for you.
I'll come back for you.
Back some day for you.
If it's too hard for you.
Then do what you gotta do.

~16 Years Later~

Lucy sighs, the days work of being their Queen, taking a toll on her. "Is this it for today?" Lucy asks, deciding it was time to go and peak in on her child's life for today. Anna nods.

"Do you know where-" 

"In the gardens." Anna says, already knowing who she wanted to see.

"Thanks Anna!" Lucy says as she leaves.

She heads to the gardens, where she notices the two, looking at the roses.

"Mother!" yells the voice of her daughter. Yep, that's right, she ended up having a daughter. 

"No need to yell Nashi, I was coming this way." Lucy says, joining the pair. She takes a look at daughter, who seemed to get even prettier as she grew. Long, waist length, pink hair with chocolate brown eyes that went well with her olive colored skin tone. 

She seemed to dress extra pretty today, wearing a dark blue dress with stars and cresent moons on it.

Lucy wraps her arms around her daughter, hugging her tightly

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Lucy wraps her arms around her daughter, hugging her tightly.

"Happy birthday sixteenth birthday, Nashi." She says, placing a small kiss on her forhead before pulling out a box.

"What's this?" Nashi asks, surprised at the sudden gift. She had told her she didn't want anything, after being gifted with jewelry, diamonds, and even gardens.

"Open it," Lucy ushers, watching as her daughter unwrapped the box and opened it, revealing a heart shaped locket.

Nashi opens the locket, which reveals a picture of her and her mom on the one side, and a picture of her dad on the other.

Lucy never hesitated to tell Nashi all she knew of her father, she just made it very clear that she couldn't see him because of the upcoming war.

She always promised that it was never her fault...but still, she wondered why she had to grow up like this.

"I lost it mom...thank you," she says, closing the locket and hugging it once again before theh headed off to dinner.

Most peoples sweet sixteens are extravagant, but despite being promised a huge party, Nashi didn't want it.

She grew up alone in the Dragon and Celestial realm. She was never around any kids her age, and was surrounded by only Lucy her mother, Kokoro her personal guard, and Anna being her great great (a few more greats lol) grandmother.

After dinner Lucy let's her daughter leave, and heads back to her own room.

Sixteen years have passed. Lucy thinks before deciding to preoccupy herself with some work.

If she thought about Natsu...and everyone else at the guild for that matter, she'd cry.

The war would take place in one years time, but even that wouldn't guarantee her seeing him, and him seeing her and their daughter. He still didn't even know if Nashi existed.

"Queen Lucy," a guard calls from her door.

"Yes?" She asks, not feeling in the mood to let visitors in.

"Princess Nashi needs you. She says its important." The guard says. Lucy sighs, but stands anyway. "I'll be right there." She says before exiting the room.

She heads to Nashi's room, which wasn't far from her own and knocks on the door. "It's me, Nashi." Lucy says, knowing that her daughter would recognize her by not only her voice, but also her scent. She happened to a dragon Slayer too, but a hybrid. A celestial fire dragon Slayer. The fire seemed hotter, a bit stronger, and contained little stars in it. It was pretty beautiful in Lucy's eyes.

"Come in," Nashi says.

Lucy opens the door, and takes note that her daughter just got out the shower. The hints were the wet pink hair, which turned a darker shade when wet, and the little water droplets on her shoulders. She seemed to be getting ready for bed.

"The guards said you called for me?" Lucy questions. Nashi looks up at her mother in confusion.

"They did? I haven't called for you at all." Nashi says.

"What's even weirder is that they told Kokoro just a while ago that you called for her."

"They did..." Lucy trails, her hand going to her face in a thinking manner before she stands.

"I'm going to go check up on things. Don't you dare leave this room." Lucy tells her daughter.

"But don't you think it's better if I'm with you, mother?" Nashi asks, getting a bit worried herself.

No one was supposed to be able to get into either realms. Sure, this could just be a big misunderstanding, but something like this has never happened.

Lucy nods, suddenly thinking it was better to be with her daughter too.

"Don't wander off by yourself. Until we know whether or not this is a misunderstanding the castle doesn't seem safe." Lucy says.

Nashi nods, slipping on a plain pink dress that went to her knee, along with some nude shoes before following her mother.

"It looks empty..." Nashi notices, watching as her mother nodded in agreement.

"Can you sniff out where Anna is?" Lucy asks.

Nashi nods, giving the air a sniff before taking the lead. "She's in your office." She says, which makes things even weirder since it was almost eleven at night.

They never work this late.

Nashi sniffs the air again, and that's when she smells it.

"Mom...Anna's not the only person in there...also two other people. I can't identify their scent...sounds like their yelling in there too." She says.

"Let's go check it out then."

A/N: I feel like double updating another chaoter coming !!

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