Arc 2: Chapter Four *9*

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I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah
I want you to fuck up my nights, yeah
Fuck up my nights, yeah, all of my nights, yeah
I want you to bring it all on
If you make it all wrong, then I'll make it all right, yeah
I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life

"Oh that?" Nashi asks, phrasing it like it was something simple.

"It's because of how connected I am to the celestial realm. Mom also doesn't use her that weird?" Nashi asks, confused.

Erza smiles to herself. "I suppose not for you...but a long time ago Lucy used keys." She recounts, noticing that it's been that long.

"Anyway Nashi, come with us! Since you're officially on the team you should help with our next mission. Of course, you won't be going until your legs healed." Emma says, going to her side and helping her.

Nashi silently thanked her. If it had of been Storm she'd be blushing like crazy. Especially after the incident he pulled earlier.

They enter somewhere that seems even more underground than the main part of the guild, going down what seems like a million steps before they make it to some room.

Reiki enters a passed, and thus the door opens. Everyone walks through, and Emma places Nashi down in a chair as they do.

"So let's catch Nashi up, shall we? She probably doesn't know about the war." Nova says.

"Oh no, I do." Nashi says. " doesn't seem like we were informed that it was already happening. The scroll was wrong..." she trails, before realizing she was muttering to herself.

"The scroll?" Ryuuji speaks up for what seems like the first time since she's met him.

"It's something we have where I'm from. It tell us a bunch of prophecies and the future."

"Now that you've brought up where you're from, how come you can't come back? I mean, you are the Princess correct?"

"You're right but...I've never left. I don't even know where it's located. Not only that, it was taken over by so many darkness troops that I doubt that it's safe. I could however retrieve the scroll if I could teleport-"

And that's when it all hits her.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Rosemary asks.

"I forgot about my personal guard, Kokoro. She told me to to wait there."

"Why didn't you?" Gale asks, his head back in a book.

Nashi sends a glare Storm's way. "Because that popsicle stick brought me here,"

"Whatever flame head, but just letting you know, with me you could've bleed out and died."

He has a point. Nashi thinks before shaking her head. It didn't matter.

"It should be fine. She'll fine me. For the meantime I'll help you guys out. What're we doing?" Nashi asks.

"Ah yes, back on topic. There's a group of troops trying to overtake the Capitol. Natsu and Gray were sent there a few days ago, but they are asking for more help." Nova speaks, pointing to where it was on the map.

"Mom was supposed to go, but she's holding down everything here." Reiki says referring to his mother.

"Instead we'll send out four of you. I've already decided that Nashi and Storm are a good team together. The other two will be Nova and I. I hope you don't mind holding things down here, Gale."

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