Arc 3: Chapter Two

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I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you
And even baby our worst nights
I'm into you, I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time
I'm still into you

Nashi sits up quickly, taking in her surroundings.

Everything's fine. I'm alright. She thinks.

But no, everything wasn't fine.

For the past few months, she's been having a dream that just keeps reoccurring. The dream scares her so much, that she finds herself missing sleep over it.

Nashi turns on the light next to her, knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep....even if she had an important meeting that morning.

"Maybe I should visit dad...?" Nashi asks herself, wanting some comfort from atleast one of her parents. He was only across the hall.

Nashi stands up, grabbing a pillow and blanket before going to his room.

She knocks on the door, immediately regretting it. Her father had just returned from a mission so she was sure he was tired. He needed his sleep and she was interupting it. That wasn't at all fair to him.

"Who is it?" He calls.

"It's Nashi," she calls, surprised that she didn't stutter.

The door opens a second later.

"Something keeping ya up?" He asks, letting her in.

Nashi nods, fumbling with her hands. "Bad dream." She says.

"If you want we can talk about it." He says. Nashi nods, knowing it was right to open up to her father.

"It's about mom," she says, twisting a  strand of her pink hair.

"When she got taken away...I keep dreaming about it and it seems to get scarier everyday....especially since I couldn't do anything."

Natsu softens at hearing his daughters worries.

"I wasn't there Nashi, but after hearing what happened I know it isn't your fault. Lucy had Kokoro take you away because she wanted to keep you safe."

"B-but still! If I had of been fighting I atleast would've been with her! She-she could be dead for all I know!" She says, getting emotional.

"Calm down Nash. Your mother isn't dead. And if you hadn't of come here then you wouldn't have gotten our help."

"Well..." Nashi thinks. "You're right. And then I wouldn't of met you...or Storm...or the others."

Natsu raises a brow at this.

"Nashi." He says, rather seriously.

"You don't like Storm, do you?" He asks. She immediately blushes, proving him right. "So you do..."

"N-no! Of course not! We're just really good partners who work well together!"

"So were me and your mom and we ended up getting married," Natsu laughs, which makes Nashi blush even more.

"I'm not gonna tell you what to do but, just know, I would hate being in laws with popsicle stick." Natsu says, making Nashi laugh.

"Of course, of course. And you don't have to worry since I don't like him." Nashi says lying, because she know damn well that she liked him.

"I'll trust you," Natsu says, before remembering something.

"I forgot to tell you. I know where your mother is. I found on my recent mission!" Natsu says.

"Really?" Nashi asks happily and Natsu nods.

"If I tell you though, you have to promise me you won't go on your own."

Nashi nods. She wasn't an idiot. She wasn't a match for all of them.

"I promise," she says as they pinky promise.

"Anyway, their in in an underground bunker close to here. I'm going to check it out with Gray and Erza in a few days."

"I want to come!" Nashi whines.

"No way kiddo. It's too dangerous. Plus, we're just checking out the area."

Nashi sighs. "Totally unfair."

Natsu laughs. "You have your princess duties to take care of anyway..."

"Don't remind me..." Nashi says with a sigh.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Where are you taking me?" Lucy asks Haruya.

He laughs. "To see a friend,"

A friend? Lucy asks herself. He couldn't mean Nashi, right?

"Relax. We haven't scooped up your daughter yet." Says a new voice.

"And you are?" Lucy asks.

She smiles. "I'm Koharu...Haruya's wife." She says.

Lucy mentally rolls her eyes. "So you two are a psycho couple who want to take over the world?" She asks but they don't respond.

Instead, Haruya throws in a cell.

"Lucy...your alright!" Says a voice.

Lucy turns to reveal Anna.

"You too Anna! I was getting worried..." she sighs.

"No need to worry for me...did they catch Nashi?"

"No...she's actually with Natsu."

Anna smiles. "Then that's good." She says.

"Enough family talk. We put you two here so we can better watch of you. It seems as if your filthy husband is searching for you." Koharu says.

"And he'll find me." Lucy smiles.

"Sure, sure. It seems you trust him alot....and I can't wait to break that trust!"

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