Arc 2: Chapter Five *10*

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I miss you more than I thought that I could
I miss you
I know you missin' me too like you should
I miss you

The next day, around four in the morning, Rosemary came and dropped off some clothes she had made for Nashi. Nashi had thanked her, and also told her to thank Erza.

After putting it on, she looked herself over in the mirror. It was was blue crop top with a heart shaped neckline that came with a matching blue skirt. On the outlines, of the crop top and skirt was an orange rim, that brought a bit of a pop to the outfit.

After putting on the outfit, she placed her waist length hair into a ponytail, leaving her bangs out.

"Let's head off," Storm says, reminding her that if they were ever gonna head out they had to before the sun rose. If not they'd probably be stopped, which would lead to trouble.

They arrive to the guild, meeting with Reiki and Rosemary before taking the underground trains to the capital.

That was by far, the worst experience for Nashi.

Kokoro had told her of motion sickness, but she never knew how it felt since she never left the castle. Not only that, she had thought she had atleast didn't inherent that from her father.

"Woah, you get motion sickness like Gale and Emma!" Nova comments.

"Aren't you a dragon slayer?" Nashi asks, confused since Nova wasn't as sick as her right now.

"I honestly don't parents think it's because me and Ryu have more demon blood though," Nova remembers.

Nashi nods, and tries to sleep off the pain for the rest of the trip.

When she awakes, it seems just on time since the train has stopped.

"Oh thank god!" Nashi says, standing up and running off the train immediately.

"You look like a weirdo," Storm comments as he, Nova, and Reiki exit the train.

Nashi sticks out her tongue at him. "Atleast you're not calling me princess..."

"What? You don't like what you are?" he asks before inching closer to her. "Or do you not like how I say it," he whispers.

In almost an instant her cheeks were red, and Storm was laughing.

"As cute as you two are, let's focus." Nova says, looking around.

"We when get above ground, there'll be a lot of troops since it's daytime. We should try and avoid them at all costs and head to where Queen Hisui and her daughter are."

Nashi doesn't comment, remembering how her mother had explained to her who the royalty here were. Also saying that she knew her pretty well and had helped with a mission.

They avoid the soldiers fairly well when they head up, and the only encounter one. He was pretty weak and Reiki had taken care of him before they could even notice.

They head to yet another secret underground part, that lead them to the castle.

"When we get there, it's going to be practically impossible to avoid them, so it's okay to fight. We need to take down their commander, and the rest of the soldiers will probably head back to their base...which is far from here." Nova says.

"I just hope we don't run into Princess Yua..." Storm trails.

"Why? Doesn't she have a big crush on you?" Asks Nova.

"Yeah she has a crush on me...but I don't like her. She's too annoying and clingy. Totally not my type either."

Nova smirks, before grabbing onto Nashi.

"And what about Nashi here? Is she you're type?" Nova asks.

Storm eyes her suspiciously, knowing exactly what she was playing at...and he decided to play along, not wanting to miss the chance to tease Nashi.

Storm smirks. "Pretty much. Nice face, nice curves, pretty independent from what I can see..." he trails.

Nashi turns away, trying to stay composed.

"Why are you guys talking about me?" she asks.

"Just teasing," Storm says, as they begin walking again. Nashi rolls her eyes as they continue walking.

Nova catches up with Reiki, who wraps an arm around her.

"What're they...a couple?" Nashi whispers to Storm who only nods.

"Yeah. You haven't even seen the worst yet. Usually they kiss like nobody else is around." Storm says.

"And they call us distracting..." Nashi says with a sigh, making them both laugh.

Soon enough, they arrive above ground.

"So..." Nashi trails, noticing how blank it was. "Where's all the soldiers?" she asks.

"That's my same thought." Reiki speaks. "Usually their all here." he adds.

They walk around the castle, looking for a sign of anyone being here, but they found nothing. All until Storm looked out the window.

"They're looks like my dad is taking care of a pretty large group out there," Storm says. "There's no sign of Natsu, however."

"Great! We took all these precautions for them to not be here?" Nova complains.

"We should help him," Reiki says, making his way to the front door. Everyone follows.

As soon as they step out, all eyes seem to be on them.

"Guess it's time to fight." Reiki says, transforming into some armor and pulling out a sword and jumping in.

"Hey dad! Where's Natsu?" Storm asks, also joining in on the fighting.

"He was bringing Hisui and her daughter to a more protected place...whose that?" Gray asks, noticing Nashi.

"She reminds me of-"

"My mom?" Nashi asks, a smile coming to her face. She had seen this man in a few pictures her mom had. Him and Erza.

"Wait what?" Gray asks, completely startled.

"It's a pretty long story." Storm says, kicking and punching one of the men.

"He's Nashi," Nashi says, taking down the one that was coming behind his back.

Gray nods, using his ice make magic to take down a few at once.

"By the way...Natsu might need some help. He can take down the commander just fine...but probably not while protecting Hisui and her daughter." Gray says.

Nashi's heart skips a beat at the mention of her fathers name. Of course she wanted to go and help but...still, meeting him still wasn't something she had even thought about. What would she say? What would she do?

"Go ahead Nashi. You too Storm. Look out for her," Reiki says, noticing the glint her eyes.

Nashi nods, swallowing her fear. She was on a mission. She needed to calm down.

"Let's go," Storm says and Nashi nods, following him.

"I can do this..." she mumbles to herself.

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