Arc 2: Chapter Eleven *16*

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I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah
I want you to fuck up my nights, yeah
Fuck up my nights, yeah, all of my nights, yeah
I want you to bring it all on
If you make it all wrong, then I'll make it all right, yeah
I want you to ruin my life
You to ruin my life, you to ruin my life

"Woah...feels like forever since we've all been able to hangout like this." Rosemary notes.

For once, Nashi had finished her work early, and with that, Nova decided that they should all go picnic by a lake her and Reiki and Storm had found in the Celestial and Dragon Realm.

"Yeah, that's because Nashi's been so busy these last few weeks," Emma says, calling her out.

"It's mostly because she does everything else before moving onto her paperwork which eventually piles up!" Storm says while laughing. He would know since he visited her a lot.

She had no problem with it...minus the teasing and fake flirting. (A/N: My girl Nash you sure it's fake ??)

"You have been visiting Nashi frequently Storm." Gale notices, finally putting down his book.

"Not really," he shrugs, keeping his composure.

Freaking out would make them catch onto him...especially if he blushed.

"Now that he's noticed have." Nova says, eyeing him suspiciously.

Storm quickly looks away. Her eyes stared into the depths of peoples souls and he rather not be on the receiving end of her glare.

"I'll change topics..." Ryuuji says, deciding to get his sister off of Storm's back. "I owe you one, Ryuu." he whispers.

"Let's all play a game." he says, earning a groan from everyone except Nova.

"I'd rather not...I'm not so fond of you guy's games." Nashi sighs.

It seemed like almost every meet up they played either spin the bottle or truth or dare, and it must've been fun to tease her and Storm since they were chosen for a lot of things.

"No, no...not any of those games. A game game. Like the ones we'd play as kids. Hide and seek to be exact."

"Hide and seek...?" Nashi questions.

"It's in the name princess. One person will become it. This person will count to one minute and while they do, everyone else hides. When they're done counting, that person seeks. Do you get it princess?"

"Yes. But I could've gone without the nickname." she crosses her arms, a bit angry.

"Are you upset, princess?" he teases while smirking.

She bites her lip, trying not to respond which makes Storm laugh. "You okay there princess?" he says, his smile becoming even wider.

"Storm...Nashi...we get you two like eachother but, we were about to pick a game." Emma says, immediately laughing once both of their faces light up into a bright red.

"Anyway, I'll be it since I suggested the game. You all have one minute starting now to hide." he says.

"But you didn't even give us a chance to-"

"One, two, three, four, five..." Ryuuji continues, cutting off Rosemary in the process.

At that, everyone got up, deciding to quickly find a place to hide.

"Hey Nashi, you should follow me." Storm whispers to her.

"Oh, so you're not calling me princess anymore?" she says, glaring at him.

"Actually I'm trying to be nice and not make you blush but if princess is better than that's fine." he says, noticing her face blush up which makes him smile just a bit.

She's so darn cute. He thinks before grabbing her hand and running off.

"Where are we going?" she asks. Storm smirks. "To the best hiding spot ever." he says leading her away.

Nashi looks down at her hand, now just noticing that he was holding it. Oddly and strangely enough, his cold hand seemed to fit just fine in her warm one. It felt oddly relaxing and lit sparks inside her that left a subtle feeling in her tummy.

"We're here!" Storm says letting her hand go.

Nashi looks around, before noticing that were in a field with pretty tall grass. They both sit down, knowing he would no longer be able to see him.

"How'd you know this was here?" says Nashi, tying her hair in a ponytail so that it would no longer be in the way.

"When I came here with Nova and Reiki I was kinda the third wheel...I wandered off and came around a bit then. When Ryuuji brought up hide and seek I was instantly reminded of this place." Storm says, before the both of them fall silent.

It wasn't awkward, it was more or less so that they could hear Ryuuji's footsteps if he found them.

They wait a while....and when I mean awhile, I mean a very long time.

"You sure we didn't go too far?"

Storm shrugs. "I don't know I was focused on running." He says.

Nashi stands up out of their hiding spot. It was getting dark and looked like it was about to rain.

"We should head back," she tells Storm just as the sound of thunder booms through the sky before it starts pouring down.

They begin running, trying to find somewhere to shelter themselves from the pouring rain until they run into a cave.

They quickly run in, that cave being the best bet.

"You sure they're gonna find us here?" Nashi questions him.

"Can't you just sniff them out?" He asks. "Not anymore. The rain will wash their scent away. Our best bet is that one of them caught our scent and isn't far. Until then..." she trails.

"We'll have to wait here."

End of Arc 2

A/N: arc 2 looking like it's coming out around July 1st sooo see ya then

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