-1- The Guy Who Picks Up Trash

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Amber POV

I walk down the sidewalk walking my little chocolate lab, Buster and sipping a caramel crunch frapuccino. Its the perfect fall day and I take the long way through the park. The wind rushes through my hair, I have my lab by my side, life is good.

Ahead of me I see a guy throw his soda can right on the ground when there's a trash can 2 feet from him. Humans annoy me, ruining this Earth. He seems to be one of those preppy guys who thinks they own the planet but in reality everyone hates them.

"Hey can ya pick that up?" I call to him.

He turns around and flips me off and I roll my eyes. Of course someone has to ruin my perfect afternoon. I walk over to pick up the can but it's grabbed by a long metal thing. Well alrighty then.

I turn to see the owner of the trash grabber, a young guy in an orange jumpsuit. "People like that piss me off. Just throwing their trash when I'm obviously picking it up." He says and I agree.

The guy has shaggy brown hair, bright blue eyes, and perfect teeth. He's drop dead gorgeous and definitely not the person you'd think of when you think of orange jumpsuits. He must be in trouble of some kind though.

"Well some people just gotta be assholes." I say and promptly throw my empty starbucks cup in the trash can. He smiles and goes back to work. I want to continue talking to him so I say, "What are you doing this for?" Obviously I know he did something bad but I wonder what the crime was. I love juicy stuff.

He looks at me surprised I'm still talking to him and says, "I did some bad stuff so I gotta do some community service. Better than jail I guess." He picks up an empty cigarette box and I wonder what bad things he's done. Hes too beautiful to have done something that bad.
"Well do you need some help?" I ask while Buster sniffs around.

"Nah I got myself into this, I'm fine. But thanks anyways." I nod and pick up a can close to my foot.

"It was just there." I say and he laughs.

"Are you going to be here tomorrow?" I ask him and he nods.

"Every day for 4 months now." Yes! I can befriend the cute criminal. I still wonder what he did though. Probably not too bad.

"I'm Amber by the way." I say as he grabs another piece of trash.

"Hayes." I walk off and he continues to work. Hayes. I like that name.

Hayes POV
She's really pretty. Beautiful brown hair, green eyes that stare right into mine. I know I have no chance with her, i'm in a freakin jumpsuit for gods sake. She probably felt bad for me though. If she knew what I did she'd get the heck away from me.

"Nice work." My parole officer says 2 hours later. I nod and walk back home. Our apartment is really small and in a not so good part of town. It's all we've got though and I don't really care. I open the door and the smell of smoke hits me.


"Yea mom?"

"Good your back." She says as she lays on the couch with a cigarette. "Hows your community service?"

"Pretty shitty to be honest."

"Well its better than jail Hayes. You better be glad they cut you some slack. Now go pick me up some more cigarettes."

I nod and walk back out the door. I walk to the 7-eleven across the street and quickly buy a pack of cigarettes. I just turned 18 a month ago so its fine. Walking out of the shop, I run into my old friend Plop.

"Hayes where you been?"

Continuing to walk I say, "Around."

He follows me and says, "So just community service? Let you off easy huh?"

I make it to our building and say, "Shut up Plop. Didn't you just get out?"

He lingers against the building and shrugs. "Got any girlfriends? Does my Hayesey finally have a girlfriend?" My mind immediately goes to Amber. What the fuck mind I just met her today.

My cheeks must've turned red because Plop laughs. "What's her name?"

"Amber." I answer before I can stop myself.

"Out of your league."

"How do ya know?" Even though she totally is.

"Amber?" He rolls his eyes. "She's hot for one thing. Probably rich too. Does she know what you did?"

"Yeah like I told her." I say. I barely even know her yet I want to.

"Well you're screwed after that."

I ignore him and walk back into my apartment.

In bed later that night I find myself thinking about Amber. She asked me if I would be there tomorrow, maybe she will. But why would she hang out with me, someone who barely escaped jail. I like that girl though. She's different not one of those sluts I usually date.

I want to know her, want her to know me. But not the real me, that's not a good me. I want her to come back tomorrow. A lot.

What if she likes me too? Wait I just met her hours ago. I like her? Annyways if I do, she doesn't like me. I'm dangerous.

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