-11- I'm Gonna Go on a Rant, Do You Mind?

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Hayes POV

The therapist didn't go well. Not well at all. After I told my story, Dr. Jenkins did absolutely nothing. Sure asked me how did I feel when I did those things - I felt like a monster you dumb idiot. 

I thought this would help, I did it for Amber. It made me feel even worse, Dr. Jenkins just stared at me like I'm a psychopath. I mean I am, but I thought she would help me feel like I'm not. 

It's the day after and I'm sitting  alone since Gabrielle didn't show up. Amber is sitting with those 2 girls again but I keep seeing her sneak nervous glances at Hunter. I wonder what's up with them. 

I really want to talk to Amber, at least inform her that I tried therapy. I decide to text her, even if she doesn't answer I want her to know I'm trying.

Me: hey...I listened to wht u said. went to a therapist yesterday.

I watch Amber as she looks at her phone. Her face brightens a little as the read reciept comes up.

Amber: rlly? thts good hayes

I smile that she texted back. Maybe she will forgive me. 

Me: jst want u to trust me again. it didn't work out so well tho 

She starts to type but nothing is sent. I look at her and see Hunter is leaving the cafeteria, beckoning her to come with him. Amber shakes her head hesitantly, and Hunter looks honest to god pissed. He storms out and I can see the worry in her eyes. He did something to her.

Me: Amber what did tht bastard do to u?!? 

She reads the message and quickly says nothing. I press again and I lock eyes with her across the cafeteria. 

Amber: he slapped me ok 

I start to stand up wanting to punch him again. He slapped Amber! As I'm getting up, Amber shakes her head at me. I know she's not telling me to not fuck him up, she's saying not here. She's right, I can't afford another fight right now. I relunctantly took my seat and just texted her.

Me: y didn't u tell me

Amber: it's not like you've exactly been a saint either she texts back immediately and I sigh because she's right again. Hunter and I have both been pretty crappy to her. 

Me: I wish we could jst start over? She reads it but doesn't answer immediately. What am I thinking? We can't just start over after I've shown who I am. I get up to throw away my tray and start to walk out of the cafeteria. I get a text from her as I walk out the door.

Amber: tbh so do i 

I grin to myself. I can start this over again.

Amber POV

After school, I text Hayes to see if he wants to come home with me. He immediately responds with a smiley face and I meet him at my car. After we both get in he looks at me.

"Why are you forgiving me again?" He asks and that's kind of the question I've been asking myself.

"Because I'm an idiot who enjoys hanging out with you." I say laughing. "And I appreciate you going to therapy. It showed me you cared." 

"Of course I care. But therapy didn't work so well." He says softly looking at me again.

"Even trying it. Just don't make me regret forgiving you okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of it." I laugh as I turn into my driveway. We both climb out and I open the door. My mother isn't home, yet again, she hasn't been here that much. 

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