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Hayes POV

"He what?" I ask her never wanting to see my brother again. Considering I just saw him this week for the first time in 6 weeks, I don't think that should be a problem.

"Nevermind Hayes, I pushed him off. Can we just go home now?" Amber says and she doesn't even seem mad anymore. She looks over to me and smiles and it doesn't even look forced.

"You're fine with him just kissing you?" I say flabbergasted.

"He reminds me of you anyways. Forget it."

"I can't just forget that my married older brother kissed you. And put his hand up your dress!" Why isn't she more upset about this? "And you're saying he reminds me of you? So kissing him is like kissing me?"

"No it's not. Well not really." She bites her lip. "Hayes wouldn't you rather have Nash kiss me then someone else?"

"No actually I'd rather have no one kiss you except for myself. Amber you're not making any sense. We are dating. My older brother is married. He kissed you. And now you're just okay with it? Amber even if he is my brother, it's not like the same person is kissing you."

"Hayes would you just calm-"

"Why don't you care more about this? Do you not understand that we're together, that that's my brother?" I ask my voice raising as my frustration does.

"I never even said that-"

"Amber he is fucking married. He was telling me how hot you were and-"

"Stop cutting me off." Amber demands looking right into my eyes. It annoys me to see there's no sign of frustration or anger on her face, that she's completely fine with my brother wanting her. "Hayes I never even said that kissing him was the same thing as kissing you. I love you Hayes and that'll never happen. I know what he did was wrong and I don't appreciate it. But it's done now so can you please just forget it?" 

I sigh and start the car again. It's silent for about 3 minutes straight until I say, "Do you like him too?" I say it softly and Amber sighs too.

"I'm with you Hayes."

"You didn't answer the question Amber."

"Can we please forget it? I made a big deal out of it, I pushed him off it only lasted a second. He didn't get his hand up my dress. We're leaving LA soon, it's not like we'll see him anytime soon."

I don't say anything just drive away from Freichshbvjs and plan to never return. She never answered my question.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" Amber asks when we get home and greet the others. It's not very late but we're both really tired.

I wiggle my eyebrows, but there's still a part of me that thinks she may like Nash. My brother. My married brother. My married brother with a kid.

Amber rolls her eyes and I agree. After we both change, we climb in and turn on our sides to face each other.

"Amber?" I whisper.

"Yes Hayes?" She whispers back.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?"

"Are we on this again?"

"Did you?"

"No Hayes I didn't, because it wasn't with my boyfriend."

I smile in the darkness and it's silent for a few more moments.

"Amber?" I whisper again.

"Yes Hayes?" She says laughing softly.

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