𝐢𝐱. 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥

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𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒: 𝑤𝑎𝑡 𝑗𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑

"it's almost two in the morning!" brynn exclaims as we both enter my apartment.

"mhm. i'm quite aware of that." i say as i place my things on the couch. "yeah, i don't really care. anywho, watcha got there?" brynn asks as she takes one of the paper bags i had brought home.

"oh, they're gifts from the gang." i say. "i'll open them when i wake up."

"alright, spill all the tea, b." she smiled as we both sat on the couch. "you know, tell me everything that happened."

"well, to he honest, it was kinda awkward." i tell her. "first, john and i had this really uncomfortable talk once i got there."

"define uncomfortable." brynn says as i playfully roll my eyes. "i'm kidding. don't stop there, continue."

"to my luck, lauren immediately walked in on us talking outside. she took me from there until i needed to pick up the starbucks drinks i told you about." i tell her. "then john saw me about to leave and asked me where i was going. i told him i was picking something up at starbucks and he said he was also gonna pick something up. that's when he offered me a ride. i gladly accepted it since i didn't want to be a mean person."

"did anything happen?" brynn asks.

"here's the thing. he drove to starbucks so i could pick up the drinks, gave him his vanilla latte when i got back, but then we headed straight back to his house." i say. "oh shit he do be playin' games on ya, b." brynn grins as i roll my eyes, playfully.

"as soon as i realized we were heading back, i reminded him of the thing he needed to pick up. you know, maybe he just forgot. but no, he told me he was just kidding and said he just wanted to be with me." i tell brynn as she squealed. "have you ever thought that maybe he hasn't moved on from you?" she asks.

"for god's sake, he has a girlfriend! he definitely moved on from me. plus, i'm sure he was just joking when he said that." i spoke. "sorry, i didn't mean to snap on you. i just- i just have a lot of things going on in my mind lately."

"things like?" brynn asks. "i don't know, johnny, some other shit, mostly johnny." i reply. "fuck." i mumble.

"looks like someone hasn't moved on..." brynn whispers. "you already know that. yes, i can't get over him. but i also can't get back with him because i don't want to go through everything again." i say.

"have you guys talked?" brynn asks as i slowly shake my head no. "see, just try and talk things out."

"oh god." i mutter as i rub my temples. "why? what's wrong?" brynn asks.

six years ago - johannieWhere stories live. Discover now