𝐱𝐱. 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘶𝘵

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𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦: 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑚 𝑜𝑢𝑡


johnny woke up with a massive headache and his throat burning. he sat up to see he was back home. he was laying in the living room.

"finally, you're awake." johnny turned around to see lauren standing behind him. "oh my fucking god my head's ringing." johnny spoke. lauren quickly threw the aspirin as johnny caught it on time. "that'll help your headache." lauren says before sitting down beside johnny, handing him a glass of water. johnny took the aspirin and looked at lauren. "what?" lauren asks.

"how did i get home?" johnny asks. "darius." lauren replied. johnny remembered seeing darius at the bar. but he couldn't remember anything after that. but he did remember that he drove himself to the bar meaning, "wait, what about my car?" johnny asks. "oh yeah. here," lauren gives the car keys to johnny. "it's at the garage. don't worry." johnny sighed in relief.

"now tell me, why'd you do that?" lauren asks. "do what?" johnny asks. "that." lauren stated. "the whole drinking at the bar shit."

"i had to clear my mind." johnny explained. "something that you wouldn't care about." he added. "did you really mean to change our tickets back?" lauren asks. "yeah." johnny replies as lauren sighed. "look, i think the only reason why you did that was because you and annie had an argument. i know you guys aren't on good terms at the moment but can we please stay longer for the others?"

johnny looked at her. he didn't say a word. lauren was desperate. she wanted to spend more time with her friends. she knew johnny did too. she thought johnny changed it out of anger but she guessed it. she thought wrong.

"i'll let you think about it." lauren spoke before standing up, heading towards her room.

⚠️ OPERATION J AND A ✨🧚🏻‍♀️💕

LAUREN — laurenorlando
KENZIE — mackenzieziegler
NADIA — nadiaturner
JAYDEN — jaydenbartels
BRYNN — brynnrumfallo


yeah kenz?

everything alright?

i know it's late but
can y'all come over
at my place?

i'm currently watching
over kinsey...

plus i don't know where
y'all live

brynn, i'm sure johnny
could watch over kinsey

i know their bond
and i'm pretty sure
annie's still in her room?


let's meet in front of annie's.

then we'll bring kinsey
over at mine

can we just do this
at lauren's then?

i guess we could

but it's about johnny

he'll be too busy keeping
kinsey entertained i doubt he
would listen to our

we can do it in my room !

okay then

at lauren's it is

great! brynn, i'll meet
you at annie's.
seen at 8:44 pm

"alright, so what are we gonna do?" kenzie asks as lauren locked her bedroom door.

"i know johnny. he won't just do something because we want to. he sticks to his own decisions." lauren says as she sat down on her bed.

"did you try talking to him about it?" nadia asks. "yeah, i thought he did it out of anger. i guess i thought wrong." lauren replied. "but then i also asked him if he could put it back. he never answered."

"well, just in case you guys do leave next week, let's spend the rest if the week together. to maximize the time we have left." jayden says. "yeah, we could. but we won't be complete." lauren tells her. "i, for sure, know that annie won't be coming out of her room anytime soon, johnny won't want to see annie, and pretty much, it won't be fun without them."

"i could talk to annie and like, we can all have a girl's night or something to make her feel better." brynn suggested. "yeah, that would be a great idea." kenzie says. "and i could talk johnny out of it?" lauren says. "you're like questioning youself for a second." nadia grinned. "yeah, well, i'm not sure if it'll work. but i'm at least seventy percent sure it would. anything for his sister." lauren winked at the last part as they all went to their girl talks and conversations.

"no, oh wait." jayden spoke. "hayden." she smiled. "what about hayden?" kenzie asks. "he's like johnny's closest friend. i'm pretty sure he tells hayden everything. we can talk to hayden to talk to johnny about it and probably, he'll come to his senses and change the tickets back." jayden explains. "it's worth to try." brynn says.

my ideas for this story are starting to go blank. they just dont feel realistic-

six years ago - johannieWhere stories live. Discover now