𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬

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𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛: 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘

"no, johnny, wait-" i tried stopping him. but i was too late.

my fingers go through my hair as i sob on my bed. a flashback came through my head as i was crying.

flashback: 4 years ago
(third person pov !)

"i promise you, i didn't do anything!" johnny defends himself.

annie's hands go through her hair. "i knew it. i fucking knew it." she spoke. johnny didn't reply. he was confused.

"what?" johnny finally asked. "oh so now you'll go and act dumb. very mature of you, orlando." annie spoke.

"but i didn't do anything!" johnny says, his voice starting to raise. "you knew i had trust issues, johnny. i told you long distance won't work." annie started crying. "this, i knew this won't work. i knew at some point we would be having this comversation. i knew we would be arguing about this. and yeah, i was right!" annie exclaimed. "i knew this day would come!"

"if you really loved me, then you should have no problem trusting me. and-" johnny stopped himself.

he didn't want to fight back. as much as he regretted what he was about to say, he was still saying it. it was for the best of both. he ran his fingers through his hair then sighed.

"we need to break up." johnny stated, expressing no emotion in his face. this is what made annie hurt. the fact that it seemed nothing to johnny. "that's it? just like that? this is how we're ending things?" annie questions.

"i'm sick and tired of arguing with you for the past three weeks, annie. it's affecting my behavior towards other people!" johnny spoke. "i come all the way here, from canada, to check on you and that's how you greet me? by assuming i was keeping another girl from you? we wouldn't even be having this conversation if you just trusted me!"

"like i said, if you really loved me, you would've trusted me and none of this would be happening." johnny added. "but now that i think of it, maybe i'm not the problem. maybe it's you."

"ugh, i hate you!" annie yelled, not thinking of what she had just screamed, before hitting johnny.

"yeah? well, i hate you too. i never loved you anyway." johnny says. "and i plan to keep it that way."

"you know what? i think we should." annie stated, answering johnny's question as she wipes her tears in the process. "if that's how you really feel, i wish i never dated you! everything would probably be different if you never entered my life!"

annie took the necklace from her neck and threw it to johnny (which he surprisingly caught). "there, remember that? your promise? it's gone—all gone. it's all over. take back your stupid gifts, i don't need them anyway."

end of flashback
(back to annie's pov !)

my thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening then closing. i hear someone knock on my room a few moments after. "annie, baby, you okay in there?" i hear brynn ask. i continued crying. until i felt someone hug me.

"i just want to be alone now." i sob as brynn nodded, walking out of my bedroom. i locked the door and kept crying.

i look at my fingers and see the rings in my hand. one of them were the matching rings john and i have. it was our promise ring. but i hurt him once again. i don't deserve him. i just keep hurting his feelings.

i took the ring from my finger as tears go down my face. i couldn't explain what i was feeling. i was angry, but sad at the same time. i was guilty but comfused as the same time as well. i know deep down i love him. but there's something telling me that makes me hate him.

out of pure anger, i threw the ring across my room and sobbed.

the next day, i woke up to remembering everything that happened the night before. a tear rolls down my face. i check the time to see it was past noon. i felt unmotivated to even roll out of bed so i stared into the ceiling, the scene that happened the night before kept playing in my head. a few tears go down my face until i soon fall asleep again.

waking up from my slumber, i have received some message notifications from my friends. it was from the gc about the twin's birthday. as i was reading the messages, something caught my attention.

johnny rescheduled
their plane tickets to when
it was orignally booked

which is next week

meaning, THEY WON'T

reading those messages, i simply thought. well, good for them. it's not like i want to see their faces anytime soon. not after what happened last night.

this is where everything goes downhill 😔

six years ago - johannieWhere stories live. Discover now